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Top 426 generative-adversarial-network open source projects

Adversarial video generation
A TensorFlow Implementation of "Deep Multi-Scale Video Prediction Beyond Mean Square Error" by Mathieu, Couprie & LeCun.
Pytorch Rl
PyTorch implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient methods (TRPO, PPO, A2C) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Fast Fisher vector product TRPO.
Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2018 (spotlight)
Pggan Pytorch
🔥🔥 PyTorch implementation of "Progressive growing of GANs (PGGAN)" 🔥🔥
Ad examples
A collection of anomaly detection methods (iid/point-based, graph and time series) including active learning for anomaly detection/discovery, bayesian rule-mining, description for diversity/explanation/interpretability. Analysis of incorporating label feedback with ensemble and tree-based detectors. Includes adversarial attacks with Graph Convolutional Network.
Learning infinite-resolution image processing with GAN and RL from unpaired image datasets, using a differentiable photo editing model.
Cartoongan Tensorflow
Generate your own cartoon-style images with CartoonGAN (CVPR 2018), powered by TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha.
Lightweight Gan
Implementation of 'lightweight' GAN, proposed in ICLR 2021, in Pytorch. High resolution image generations that can be trained within a day or two
[ICCV 2019] "DeblurGAN-v2: Deblurring (Orders-of-Magnitude) Faster and Better" by Orest Kupyn, Tetiana Martyniuk, Junru Wu, Zhangyang Wang
The codes of paper "Long Text Generation via Adversarial Training with Leaked Information" on AAAI 2018. Text generation using GAN and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
A curated list of awesome projects which use Machine Learning to generate synthetic content.
Official repository for the paper "High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels" (CVPR2020, Oral)
Code for "Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks", Gupta et al, CVPR 2018
Generative Adversarial Networks
Introduction to generative adversarial networks, with code to accompany the O'Reilly tutorial on GANs
A simplified PyTorch implementation of "SeqGAN: Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets with Policy Gradient." (Yu, Lantao, et al.)
[NeurIPS 2018] Visual Object Networks: Image Generation with Disentangled 3D Representation.
Ssgan Tensorflow
A Tensorflow implementation of Semi-supervised Learning Generative Adversarial Networks (NIPS 2016: Improved Techniques for Training GANs).
T2F: text to face generation using Deep Learning
Textgan Pytorch
TextGAN is a PyTorch framework for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based text generation models.
Cool Fashion Papers
👔👗🕶️🎩 Cool resources about Fashion + AI! (papers, datasets, workshops, companies, ...) (constantly updating)
Generative Models
Annotated, understandable, and visually interpretable PyTorch implementations of: VAE, BIRVAE, NSGAN, MMGAN, WGAN, WGANGP, LSGAN, DRAGAN, BEGAN, RaGAN, InfoGAN, fGAN, FisherGAN
Generative Compression
TensorFlow Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks for Extreme Learned Image Compression
Tensorflow implementation of Wasserstein GAN - arxiv:
Fast Srgan
A Fast Deep Learning Model to Upsample Low Resolution Videos to High Resolution at 30fps
Tp Gan
Official TP-GAN Tensorflow implementation for paper "Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis"
Implementation of Apple's Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training
Simgan Captcha
Solve captcha without manually labeling a training set
Chainer Gan Lib
Chainer implementation of recent GAN variants
Stylegan pytorch
The implementation of StyleGAN on PyTorch 1.0.1
[CVPR 2019 Oral] Multi-Channel Attention Selection GAN with Cascaded Semantic Guidance for Cross-View Image Translation
Recycle Gan
Unsupervised Video Retargeting (e.g. face to face, flower to flower, clouds and winds, sunrise and sunset)
Pytorch Mnist Celeba Gan Dcgan
Pytorch implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) for MNIST and CelebA datasets
Synthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data.
Project Page of 'GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network Fitting for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction' [CVPR2019]
Gan Playground
GAN Playground - Experiment with Generative Adversarial Nets in your browser. An introduction to GANs.
Deepfashion try on
Official code for "Towards Photo-Realistic Virtual Try-On by Adaptively Generating↔Preserving Image Content",CVPR‘20
Pytorch Adda
A PyTorch implementation for Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation
Seq2seq Chatbot For Keras
This repository contains a new generative model of chatbot based on seq2seq modeling.
PyTorch code for "PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup Transfer" (CVPR 2020 Oral)
Few Shot Patch Based Training
The official implementation of our SIGGRAPH 2020 paper Interactive Video Stylization Using Few-Shot Patch-Based Training
Conditional GAN for generating synthetic tabular data.
Pytorch Mnist Celeba Cgan Cdcgan
Pytorch implementation of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) and conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (cDCGAN) for MNIST dataset
Faceswap Gan
A denoising autoencoder + adversarial losses and attention mechanisms for face swapping.
181-240 of 426 generative-adversarial-network projects