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Top 1176 natural-language-processing open source projects

Library to scrape and clean web pages to create massive datasets.
R package for Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing Based on the UDPipe Natural Language Processing Toolkit
Covid Papers Browser
Browse Covid-19 & SARS-CoV-2 Scientific Papers with Transformers 🦠 📖
Ngx Dynamic Dashboard Framework
This is a JSON driven angular x based dashboard framework that is inspired by JIRA's dashboard implementation and
Nlp bahasa resources
A Curated List of Dataset and Usable Library Resources for NLP in Bahasa Indonesia
MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden Space for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
《机器翻译:基础与模型》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Foundations and Models
Mishkal is an arabic text vocalization software
Python library for Natural Language Preprocessing (NLPre)
Awesome Nlp
📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Visdial Rl
PyTorch code for Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Holiday Cn
📅🇨🇳 中国法定节假日数据 自动每日抓取国务院公告
Speech signal processing and classification
Front-end speech processing aims at extracting proper features from short- term segments of a speech utterance, known as frames. It is a pre-requisite step toward any pattern recognition problem employing speech or audio (e.g., music). Here, we are interesting in voice disorder classification. That is, to develop two-class classifiers, which can discriminate between utterances of a subject suffering from say vocal fold paralysis and utterances of a healthy subject.The mathematical modeling of the speech production system in humans suggests that an all-pole system function is justified [1-3]. As a consequence, linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) constitute a first choice for modeling the magnitute of the short-term spectrum of speech. LPC-derived cepstral coefficients are guaranteed to discriminate between the system (e.g., vocal tract) contribution and that of the excitation. Taking into account the characteristics of the human ear, the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) emerged as descriptive features of the speech spectral envelope. Similarly to MFCCs, the perceptual linear prediction coefficients (PLPs) could also be derived. The aforementioned sort of speaking tradi- tional features will be tested against agnostic-features extracted by convolu- tive neural networks (CNNs) (e.g., auto-encoders) [4]. The pattern recognition step will be based on Gaussian Mixture Model based classifiers,K-nearest neighbor classifiers, Bayes classifiers, as well as Deep Neural Networks. The Massachussets Eye and Ear Infirmary Dataset (MEEI-Dataset) [5] will be exploited. At the application level, a library for feature extraction and classification in Python will be developed. Credible publicly available resources will be 1used toward achieving our goal, such as KALDI. Comparisons will be made against [6-8].
Repository for paper "SWAG: A Large-Scale Adversarial Dataset for Grounded Commonsense Inference"
Python wrapper for evaluating summarization quality by ROUGE package
Natural Language Processing Specialization
This repo contains my coursework, assignments, and Slides for Natural Language Processing Specialization by on Coursera
Paraphrase identification
Examine two sentences and determine whether they have the same meaning.
Automatically extract chemical information from scientific documents
A Library to parse natural language in pure Clojure and ClojureScript
Crf Layer On The Top Of Bilstm
The CRF Layer was implemented by using Chainer 2.0. Please see more details here:
Chinese Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark (ChineseBLUE)
Finnlp Progress
NLP progress in Fintech. A repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) related to the domain of Finance, including the datasets, papers, and current state-of-the-art results for the most popular tasks.
💙 Emoji handling and meta data for spaCy with custom extension attributes
A natural language date parser in Swift (ported from chrono.js)
Japanese negative positive classification.日本語文書のネガポジを判定。
Tree Transformer
Implementation of the paper Tree Transformer
Turkce Yapay Zeka Kaynaklari
Türkiye'de yapılan derin öğrenme (deep learning) ve makine öğrenmesi (machine learning) çalışmalarının derlendiği sayfa.
Words counted
A Ruby natural language processor.
Char Cnn Text Classification Pytorch
Character-level Convolutional Neural Networks for text classification in PyTorch
Hands On Natural Language Processing With Python
This repository is for my students of Udemy. You can find all lecture codes along with mentioned files for reading in here. So, feel free to clone it and if you have any problem just raise a question.
R client for the Google Translation API, Google Cloud Natural Language API and Google Cloud Speech API
Scientific Paper Summarisation
Machine learning models to automatically summarise scientific papers
Awesome Nlp Resources
This repository contains landmark research papers in Natural Language Processing that came out in this century.
Worth-reading papers and related awesome resources on aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA). 值得一读的方面级情感分析论文与相关资源集合
Multihead Siamese Nets
Implementation of Siamese Neural Networks built upon multihead attention mechanism for text semantic similarity task.
Monkeylearn Python
Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and consume machine learning models for language processing from your Python apps.
Code for the ACL 2018 paper "Neural Document Summarization by Jointly Learning to Score and Select Sentences"
Paper Survey
📚Survey of previous research and related works on machine learning (especially Deep Learning) in Japanese
Practical Machine Learning With Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Learn To Select Data
Code for Learning to select data for transfer learning with Bayesian Optimization
121-180 of 1176 natural-language-processing projects