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Top 1176 natural-language-processing open source projects

The Open Source AI Chatbot Platform Builder in 100% C# Running in .NET Core with Machine Learning algorithm.
Nlg Rl
Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Sentence Generation by Vocabulary Prediction
Char Rnn Tensorflow
Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks for character-level language models implements by TensorFlow
Teapot Nlp
Tool for Evaluating Adversarial Perturbations on Text
Mindspore Nlp Tutorial
Natural Language Processing Tutorial for MindSpore Users
Joint Lstm Parser
Transition-based joint syntactic dependency parser and semantic role labeler using a stack LSTM RNN architecture.
Li emnlp 2017
Deep Recurrent Generative Decoder for Abstractive Text Summarization in DyNet
🌊HMTL: Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning - A State-of-the-Art neural network model for several NLP tasks based on PyTorch and AllenNLP
Research papers
Record some papers I have read and paper notes I have taken, also including some awesome papers reading lists and academic blog posts.
Some JavaScript works published as demos, mostly ML or DS
Corpus of Annual Reports in Japan
Emotion Detector
A python code to detect emotions from text
Text classification with Sparse Composite Document Vectors.
Jieba Php
"結巴"中文分詞:做最好的 PHP 中文分詞、中文斷詞組件。 / "Jieba" (Chinese for "to stutter") Chinese text segmentation: built to be the best PHP Chinese word segmentation module.
Market Reporter
Automatic Generation of Brief Summaries of Time-Series Data
Nltk Book Resource
Notes and solutions to complement the official NLTK book
Nlp Various Tutorials
자연어 처리와 관련한 여러 튜토리얼 저장소
Japanese IOB2 tagged corpus for Named Entity Recognition.
Lingua Franca
Mycroft's multilingual text parsing and formatting library
Spark Nkp
Natural Korean Processor for Apache Spark
Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
Cs224n Solutions
Solutions for CS224n course from Stanford University: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Code for the collection and analysis of the MTNT dataset
Cdqa Annotator
⛔ [NOT MAINTAINED] A web-based annotator for closed-domain question answering datasets with SQuAD format.
Spacy Lookups Data
📂 Additional lookup tables and data resources for spaCy
Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis
The natural language processing website for Icelandic
Pujangga - Indonesian Natural Language Processing Tool with REST API, an Interface for InaNLP and Deeplearning4j's Word2Vec
An open relation extraction system
Py Nltools
A collection of basic python modules for spoken natural language processing
Nagisa Tutorial Pycon2019
Code for PyCon JP 2019 talk "Python による日本語自然言語処理 〜系列ラベリングによる実世界テキスト分析〜"
Code for the old version of BioMedICUS, for the new version see the biomedicus3 repository.
Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
A simple tool to update bib entries with their official information (e.g., DBLP or the ACL anthology).
Blocks World -- Simulator, Code, and Models (Misra et al. EMNLP 2017)
Language Modelling
Generating Text using Deep Learning in Python - LSTM, RNN, Keras
Understanding Financial Reports Using Natural Language Processing
Investigate how mutual funds leverage credit derivatives by studying their routine filings to the SEC using NLP techniques 📈🤑
📝 A syntax-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.
A C# version of Hazm (Python library for digesting Persian text)
Text mining using tidy tools ✨📄✨
A List of Data Science/Machine Learning Resources (Mostly Free)
361-420 of 1176 natural-language-processing projects