SanicAsync Python 3.7+ web server/framework | Build fast. Run fast.
Sanic JwtAuthentication, JWT, and permission scoping for Sanic
AsyncormFully Async ORM inspired in django's
Sanic CorsA Sanic extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible. Based on flask-cors by Cory Dolphin.
Sanic sessionProvides server-backed sessions for Sanic using Redis, Memcache and more.
Graphql ServerThis is the core package for using GraphQL in a custom server easily
Hproxyhproxy - Asynchronous IP proxy pool, aims to make getting proxy as convenient as possible.(异步爬虫代理池)
Sanic TransmuteEasily document your Sanic API with Swagger UI, Plus param validation and model serialization.
Sanic DispatcherA Dispatcher extension for Sanic which also acts as a Sanic-to-WSGI adapter
Microservices ConnectorInter-Service communication framework, support for microservice architecture and distributed system
MemegenThe free and open source API to generate memes.
MangumAWS Lambda & API Gateway support for ASGI
Saniccrud VueA example demo base Sanic with vueJS2.x + webpack2.x as new python full stack web practice
python-paginatePagination support for python web frameworks (study from will_paginate).
stickerSticker is a powerful yet boilerplate-free alternative to writing your web API.
aiodogstatsdAn asyncio-based client for sending metrics to StatsD with support of DogStatsD extension
postileProject migrated to:
sanic compressAn extension which allows you to easily compress your Sanic responses with gzip.
instddInstagram Photos Download - Save Instagram photos and videos online
sanic-restplusFully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Sanic
microAuthA fast, documented, and tested python3 API boilerplate
sanic-adminsanic-admin is a command line tool for automatically restarting sanic.
ethereumd-proxyProxy client-server for Ethereum node using bitcoin JSON-RPC interface.
Metis测试题小程序 包含后端api接口 可能会改成gitbook应用了吧
json-headJSON microservice for performing HEAD requests
paitPython Modern API Tools, fast to code