Top 131 cpp14 open source projects

51. Enduro2d
Yet another 2d game engine of dreams (work in progress)
52. Hana
Your standard library for metaprogramming
53. Cppcon2015
Repository for the slides and the code of my CppCon 2015 talks.
56. Kys Cpp
57. Physunits Ct Cpp11
A small C++11, C++14 header-only library for compile-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
59. Pocketcpp
Compile C++11 / C++14 / C++17 / C++20 snippets with Notepad++ and MinGW/gcc 9.2.0
60. Lambda
LAMBDA – the Local Aligner for Massive Biological DatA
61. Gaia
C++ framework for rapid server development
63. Foxy
Session-based Beast/Asio wrapper requiring C++14
64. Mio
Cross-platform C++11 header-only library for memory mapped file IO
65. Rang
A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨
66. Cpp Cheatsheet
Modern C++ Cheatsheet
67. Portable concurrency
Portable implementation of future/promise API in C++
68. Nonstd Lite
Parent of *-lite repositories, a migration path to post-C++11 features for pre-C++11 environments
69. Rpclib
rpclib is a modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library
70. Threadpool
Modern C++ Thread Pool
71. Jasper
(alpha, do not use) -- A programming language, meant to be a simpler and nicer Javascript.
73. Kfr
Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters (SSE, AVX, AVX-512, ARM NEON)
74. Cppcon2020
Slides and other materials from CppCon 2020
75. Cpp Deep Dive
A C++ (cpp) repository about the unknown, lesser known, and the most important facts and concepts.
76. Ophidian
Ophidian's Mirror Repository on github.
77. Termdb
Terminfo parser for modern c++ 📠
79. Cub
Cooperative primitives for CUDA C++.
80. C10k Server
A toy asynchronous server, written in C++14 (WIP)
82. Ecs.hpp
C++17 Entity Component System
83. Pfr
std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code
84. Jucipp
A lightweight & cross-platform IDE supporting the most recent C++ standards. This project has moved to
85. 30 Seconds Of Cpp
30 Seconds of C++ (STL in C++). Read More about 30C++ here 👉
87. Restinio
Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust asynchronous HTTP/WebSocket server C++14 library with the right balance between performance and ease of use
88. Dyno
Runtime polymorphism done right
89. Robin Hood Hashing
Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++11/14/17/20
91. Units
a compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library built on c++14 with no dependencies.
92. V8pp
Bind C++ functions and classes into V8 JavaScript engine
93. Cppnumericalsolvers
a lightweight C++17 library of numerical optimization methods for nonlinear functions (Including L-BFGS-B for TensorFlow)
94. Gsl Lite
gsl-lite – A single-file header-only version of ISO C++ Guidelines Support Library (GSL) for C++98, C++11, and later
95. Quickqanava
C++14 network/graph visualization library / Qt node editor.
97. Filesystem
An implementation of C++17 std::filesystem for C++11 /C++14/C++17/C++20 on Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD.
98. Sqlite modern cpp
The C++14 wrapper around sqlite library
✭ 584
99. Stdgpu
stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
100. Seasocks
Simple, small, C++ embeddable webserver with WebSockets support
51-100 of 131 cpp14 projects