Top 926 csharp open source projects

551. Winirc
C# IRC Client for Windows 10, written as a UWP application.
552. Chasingplanes unity3d
A "Missiles" game replica, 2D fun mobile game about avoiding missiles while flying a plane.
Implements performant ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory with generic type parameters using InlineIL
554. Eyeauras
EyeAuras is a program which allows you to clone windows and keep them always-on-top while working with other applications
556. Iec 60870
.NET implementation of IEC-60870 104
558. Gank.uwp 第三方客户端UWP版
559. Cmake csharp example
CMake C#/.NET WPF and WinForms Examples
560. Guitestsharp
An extensible multiplatform framework to test GUIs in WinForms, WPF, GtkSharp and Xamarin.Mac.
561. Master Detail navigation xamarin.forms
My "custom" Master-Detail Page Navigation menu implementation on Xamarin.Forms platform. This master page have two areas one for ListView with menu items and one for the other information such as user profile info, image and other info.
562. Simplerpc
A simple and fast contractless RPC library for .NET and .NET Core
563. Quicktype Vs
Visual Studio extension to paste JSON as C#, C++, TypeScript, and more
565. Nwjs Edge Example1
An example using Edge in NW.js directly from the DOM
566. Krakencore
💱 .NET client for Kraken Bitcoin & cryptocurrency exchange API
567. Entityframeworkcore.indexattribute
Revival of [Index] attribute for EF Core. (with extension for model building.)
568. Lyndacoursesdownloader
Cross platform .net core program to download courses for offline use
569. Computesharp
A .NET 5 library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12 and dynamically generated HLSL compute shaders, with the goal of making GPU computing easy to use for all .NET developers! 🚀
570. Plannerapp blazor
PlannerApp is a full client-side application built with Blazor WebAssembly is a course material on AK Academy
571. Interactive
.NET Interactive takes the power of .NET and embeds it into your interactive experiences. Share code, explore data, write, and learn across your apps in ways you couldn't before.
572. Tricycle
Video transcoding... easier than riding a bike.
573. Modernwpfcommunitytoolkit
The ModernWpf Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions and custom controls for the ModernWpf library.
574. Leafletpano
A simple tool which tiles large images to publish them for web and mobile
576. Sharpultimatetools
A Large Repository Of Awesome Scripts For C#.
577. User Role Membership Example
Asp.Net Core Mvc Full Implementation Example of User Role & Membership.
578. Freedomengine
Classic Sonic Physics for Unity.
579. Naming Convention
Templates for naming convention - TSQL, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, Powershell
580. Nlog.xlogger
A C# .NET class library that extends NLog.Logger to provide additional functionality for tracing the entry and exit, arbitrary checkpoints, exceptions and stack traces within methods.
582. Cs Pdf To Image
a simple library to convert pdf to image for .net
583. Tensorflowservingcsharpclient
Implement Tensor Flow Serving C# client example with gRPC. MNIST prediction console application and web paint ASP.NET Core 2.0 and ReactJS application.
584. Helm
A .NET client for Kubernetes Helm
585. Hadeslang
The Hades Programming Language
586. Dsa
Data structure and Algorithm (DSA) contributions
587. Textplayer
A library to play MML and ABC songs, written in C#
589. Ds Algo Point
This repository contains codes for various data structures and algorithms in C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Go, JavaScript, PHP, Kotlin and Scala
590. Astradotnetdemo
Simple .Net solution to demonstrate working with Orbbec Astra (Pro) depth sensors from C#
591. Cookedrabbit
CookedRabbit is a simple service based RabbitMQ wrapper for dealing with channels/connections.
592. Bionic
** Bionic - An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects ** moved to:
593. Dotfeather
A closs-platform generic gameengine built on C#/.NET Standard 2.1
595. Wbooru
色图事人类科技发展的关键动力(WPF + MEF)
596. Restfulsense
A RESTFul operations client that serializes responses and throws meaningful exceptions for >= 400 status codes.
Cross-platform texture encoding libary for .NET. With support for BC1-3/DXT, BC4-5/RGTC and BC7/BPTC compression. Outputs files in ktx or dds formats.
598. Defendercheck
Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.
599. Graf3d
Simple 3D graphics rendering engine written in C#
600. Microsoft.codeanalysis.activepatterns
F# Active pattern library for Roslyn Compiler Platform (C#, VB)