Top 926 csharp open source projects

vCard Serializer and Parser for C#
504. Recapproject
Araç Kiralama Sistemi | Engin Demiroğ
505. Steamwebpipes
🚀 Pushes Steam changelists to WebSocket clients
506. Simple 1c
Транслятор запросов и Linq-провайдер для 1С-Бухгалтерии
507. Nyancat.cs
Nyancat 😻 in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. A port of the original terminal application to make this cat run on dotnet core. 🐱‍🏍
510. Certify
SSL Certificate Manager UI for Windows, powered by Let's Encrypt. Download from
511. Ui For Uwp
This repo contains the source code for Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which includes 20+ UI controls for developers building UWP applications.
512. Progress Bar
Multiplatform netstandard 2.0 C# console progress bar, with support for single or multithreaded progress updates.
513. Blazorcomponents
Simple reusable Blazor component library
514. Subloader
Subloader is a simple and minimalistic subtitle downloader that enables you to quickly find and download subtitles for your video files.
516. Aprende Xamarin
Aprende C# y Xamarin desde cero! Auto-guiado y a tu ritmo. Dale ⭐si te gusta. Documentación disponible en el Wiki (website)
517. Blink
A socket send and receive agreement framework; Easy use IO.
518. Meshstreaminggrasshopper
Plugin for Grasshopper to stream mesh geometry through web socket.
.Net client library for Alpha Vantage API
520. Jobhub
521. Omnisharp Roslyn
OmniSharp server (HTTP, STDIO) based on Roslyn workspaces
522. Nclap
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
523. Match3
✨🐠The most original game on Earth: Match3 - now in Unity!✨🐟
524. Cleanarchitecturetemplate
A template for a dotnet core api / mvc "clean architecture" project.
526. Blazordownloadfile
Blazor download files to the browser from c# without any javascript library reference or dependency.
✭ 50
527. Fusee
Fusee aims at becoming a multiplatform 3D realtime engine with a strong emphasis on content transformation and manipulation. Fusee is written mainly in C# and can be programmed in C#. Fusee builds bridges to make your code run in environments that don't support C#, like Content-Creation-Software, C++, Plug-In-APIs and native HTML5/WebGL Javascript code.
529. Altohttp
AltoHttp provides fast and easy download management
531. Uwp App Launcher Mobile
[Open Source] It's like the iOS and Android Home Screens but for Windows 10 (Phones).
532. Authenticationservice
Implementations for JWT Authentication in C# and NodeJS.
533. Al Go Rithms
🎵 Algorithms written in different programming languages -
534. Nightingale Core
A .NET Standard library containing models and functionality for managing, organizing, and sending a collection of HTTP requests using the Nightingale Collection Format. This library is the heart of Nightingale REST Client on Windows 10.
536. Cement
C# dependency management tool
537. Pixeval
A Strong, Fast and Flexible Pixiv Client based on .NET Core and WPF
538. Hands On Microservices With Csharp 8 And .net Core 3 Third Edition
Hands-On Microservices with C# 8 and .NET Core 3, Third Edition, published by Packt
539. Scrutiny
Randomly test state machines (such as your UI) by randomly navigating through transitions
540. Tommy
A single-file TOML reader and writer for C#
541. Uno.ch9
Ch9 - Uno Reference Implementation project
543. Umbraco Fluidity
A fluent CRUD user interface generator for Umbraco
544. Tft Overlay Outdated
TFT Overlay - Team and item builder for League of Legends Teamfight Tactics
545. Githubxamarin
GithubXamarin(GitIt) is a cross-platform application for which is built using Xamarin.
546. Naps2
Scan documents to PDF and other file types, as simply as possible.
547. Ini
Ini file reader/writer for C# / .NET written in pure .NET in a single source file
548. Arfoundation Components
📱 Generic components for use with Unity's AR Foundation package
549. Jellyfin Plugin Lastfm
LastFM plugin for the Jellyfin media system. Fork of the Emby Last.FM plug-in