Top 184062 javascript open source projects

301. React Future
Specs & docs for potential future and experimental React APIs and JavaScript syntax.
✭ 2,768
304. Bootstrap
The missing components for your favorite front-end framework.
305. Postcss Loader
PostCSS loader for webpack
✭ 2,754
306. Jquery Timepicker Addon
This project is no longer actively maintained. Unfortuantely, I no longer work with jQuery and jQueryUI on new projects. jQuery Timepicker Addon served as the timepicker of choice for many years when there weren't many available. I'm thankful of the opportunity to contribute to the community, and thankful to everyone who contributed along the way. These days there are many great alternatives depending on the environment you're developing in. If you need a timepicker with no dependencies check out flatpickr.
307. Illustrated Algorithms
Interactive algorithm visualizations
308. Sanctuary
🙈 Refuge from unsafe JavaScript
310. Next Seo
Next SEO is a plug in that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects.
311. Casual
Fake data generator for javascript
312. Roadhog
🐷 Cli tool for creating react apps, configurable version of create-react-app.
313. Teaset
A UI library for react native, provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.
315. Flipclock
✭ 2,696
316. Layuimini
后台admin前端模板,基于 layui 编写的最简洁、易用的后台框架模板。只需提供一个接口就直接初始化整个框架,无需复杂操作。
319. Jsonutils
Json to C#, VB.Net, Javascript and SQL Server Table
✭ 251
320. Mapstore2
Modern webmapping with OpenLayers, Leaflet and React
321. Old Textcomplete
Moved to yuku/textcomplete
✭ 251
322. Projects
A list of awesome open source projects Vladimir Agafonkin is involved in.
323. Md.bootstrappersiandatetimepicker
Persian Date Time Picker with jQuery & Bootstrap
324. Meteor Devtools
⚡Chrome Dev tools extension for Meteorjs apps
✭ 251
325. Node Klaw
A Node.js file system walker with a Readable stream interface. Extracted from fs-extra.
✭ 252
327. Material Theme Appbar
Material Theme addon to enable tinted appbar for your Sublime Text
✭ 250
328. Vuetober
A webpack starting point for single page apps with October CMS and Vue
329. Push Dir
👉📁 Push the contents of a directory to a remote branch
✭ 251
330. Authentication In React Apps
🔑 Source code for a tutorial on implementing authentication in React applications.
✭ 251
331. Simplecrm
A Meteor, React and Redux Line of Business SPA app example
✭ 251
332. Webpack Shell Plugin
Run shell commands either before or after webpack builds
333. Cowcat
🐈 Free, open-source CMS based on the Laravel PHP Framework
✭ 251
334. Console Dot Emoji
🍕 Custom Console Logging with Emoji
335. Click Outside
ClickOutside directive for Vue.
✭ 250
336. Webpack Config Utils
Utilities to help your webpack config be easier to read
✭ 251
337. Weapp Webdemo
A Hack of Weapp Framework
✭ 251
338. Blackwhite
Domain, CIDR, IP black/white list, PAC generator
339. Webpack Library Example
An example of how to author libraries using webpack.
340. Rpc
A simple RPC client for Discord
341. Wx selectarea
微信小程序-省市(区)地址选择联动 🌋
343. Egal
easy drawing in jupyter
344. Englishgrammarbook
✭ 250
345. Gantt For React
🌿 Frappe Gantt components for React wrapper. 一个简单的甘特图 React 组件封装。
346. Graphql Resolve Batch
A GraphQL batching model which groups execution by GraphQL fields.
348. Framevuerk
Fast, Responsive, Multi Language, Both Direction Support and Configurable UI Framework based on Vue.js.
349. Cnchar
好用小巧、功能全面的汉字简体 繁体 拼音 笔画js库
350. React Native Webview Messaging
✉️ Send/Receive data between React Native app and WebView
301-350 of 184062 javascript projects