Top 30231 Makefile open source projects

551. Bash3boilerplate
Templates to write better Bash scripts
552. Mongo Hacker
MongoDB Shell Enhancements for Hackers
554. Sdsl Lite
Succinct Data Structure Library 2.0
555. Uiprogress
A go library to render progress bars in terminal applications
✭ 1,869
556. Jabba
(cross-platform) Java Version Manager
557. Epmedia
Android上基于FFmpeg开发的视频处理框架,简单易用,体积小,帮助使用者快速实现视频处理功能。包含以下功能:剪辑,裁剪,旋转,镜像,合并,分离,变速,添加LOGO,添加滤镜,添加背景音乐,加速减速视频,倒放音视频。 The video processing framework based on FFmpeg developed on Android is simple, easy to use, and small in size, helping users quickly realize video processing functions. Contains the following functions: editing, cropping, rotating, mir…
558. Sqlite
Unofficial git mirror of SQLite sources (see link for build instructions)
560. Vim Awesome
Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
561. Protobuf C
Protocol Buffers implementation in C
562. Afl
american fuzzy lop - a security-oriented fuzzer
563. Axel
Axel tries to accelerate the download process by using multiple connections per file, and can also balance the load between different servers.
566. Go Gtk
Go binding for GTK
567. Css Houdini Drafts
Mirror of
571. Nsjail
A light-weight process isolation tool, making use of Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf syscall filters (with help of the kafel bpf language)
572. Notepad3
Notepad like text editor based on the Scintilla source code. Notepad3 based on code from Notepad2 and MiniPath on code from metapath. Download Notepad3:
573. Openwebrtc
A cross-platform WebRTC client framework based on GStreamer
574. Tf unet
Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation
575. The Little Go Book
The Little Go Book is a free book introducing Go.
✭ 1,853
577. Libqrencode
A fast and compact QR Code encoding library
578. Swiftplate
Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
579. Libmodbus
A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, QNX and Windows
580. Watson
⌚ A wonderful CLI to track your time!
581. Weixin Robot
微信公共帐号自动回复机器人 A Node.js robot for wechat.
582. Tinyfecvpn
A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
584. Librime
Rime Input Method Engine, the core library
585. Rasa
💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
586. Mackup
Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
✭ 11,677
587. Aiohttp
Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
588. Dockerfiles
Almost all of these live on dockerhub under jess. Because you cannot use notary with autobuilds on dockerhub I also build these continuously on a private registry at for public download. (You're welcome.)
589. Quine Relay
An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
590. Sanoid
Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.
592. Team Win Recovery Project
Core recovery files for the Team Win Recovery Project (T.W.R.P) - this is not up to date, please see
593. Fbreaderj
Official FBReaderJ project repository
594. Boot
Build tooling for Clojure.
597. Kafka Monitor
Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availability, offsets commit availability & latency, message loss rate and more.
598. Oxy
Go middlewares for HTTP servers & proxies
✭ 1,787
599. Http2
old repo for HTTP/2 support for Go (see README for new home)
✭ 1,708
600. Company Mode
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
551-600 of 30231 Makefile projects