Top 443 Pug open source projects

151. taiga-contrib-hipchat
Taiga plugin for hipchat ( integration
152. stack
A starter repository for MongoDB, Node.js, and Vue.js, with a local environment based on Docker.
153. mustread
Список хороших книг о разработке программ
155. LiveChat
Chat application using Nodejs, Vanilla JavaScript and Socket IO
156. lfa
LFA is a build tool for generating HTML5 textbooks
160. maslo-persona
Meet Maslo... an expressive empathetic avatar to add a personified computing layer to a project!
161. appointment-reminders-node
Node implementation of Appointment Reminders
162. uber-car-simulator
Server to simulate local cars & update their coords to Firebase.
163. tap-mocha-reporter
Format a TAP stream using Mocha's set of reporters
164. lineman-blog-template
Create your own Markdown blog with Lineman
165. excuse-generator
Генератор отмазок
169. WeChat-bot
171. opensource-management-portal
Microsoft's monolithic GitHub Management Portal enabling enterprise scale self-service powered by the GitHub API 🏔🧑‍💻🧰
173. vanilla-js-carousel
Tiny (1Kb gzipped) JavaScript carousel with all the features most of us will ever need.
174. ac-web
Avalanche Canada - Website and API
175. partnet anno system
PartNet 3D Web-based Shape Parts Annotation System
176. RiiTag
RiiTag is a customizable gamertag for the Wii.
177. auth0-link-accounts-sample
Examples of how to implement account linking
178. corona-charts
Ultimate interactive COVID-19 data plotter
179. demo-projects
No description, website, or topics provided.
180. beautiful-hexo
hexo theme ported from beautiful-jekyll.
181. sample-wix-rest-app
No description, website, or topics provided.
182. dyno-clone
Tried to make clone of dyno and also tried to merge Dumb Bot Source Code with 1PG
183. thrust-platform
1980s physics blaster "Thrust" inspired game platform
My b:log and all its content in plain (unabashed) text
186. discord-bot-list
A Discord Bot list, made it more advanced from the original from: Sank6
188. airtng-node
AirTNG - Rental-by-owner properties fit for a Captain, implemented with Node.js and Express
190. b3log-index
🏨 B3log 官网及旗下思源、Vditor、Sym 和 Solo 的产品首页。
191. awesome-uni.font
transformed Font Awesome
193. forge-digital-twin
Autodesk Forge application demonstrating various use cases in manufacturing, specifically in context of digital twins.
194. tomo-cli
A friendly command line tool designed to help create sustainable software using web technology
195. matrix-email-bot
A bot that posts messages to rooms when an email is received.
196. msnfrontend
опенсурс платформа социальной сети с поддержкой серверного рендеринга
197. workshop-dashboard
Adds content hosting to workshop terminals.
199. ref
unofficial k reference
200. realities
A tool for decentralised organisations.