Top 443 Pug open source projects

251. cognitive-head-hunter
Helps a candidate find the next job position.
255. pugify
jade transform for browserify v2. Sourcemaps generation included.
256. keystone-test-project
⚠️ Archived - Legacy KeystoneJS Project with various configurations for development and testing purposes
257. gancio
a shared agenda for local communities (with activitypub support)
258. design
No description, website, or topics provided.
259., learn more about the Web Authentication API or try the debugger.
262. angband-webclient
Browser client and webserver for playing Angband and variants
263. marketing-notifications-node
Demo application showing how to implement SMS notifications (for a mobile marketing use case) in Node.js
264. svg-distortion-effect-demo
This example is dedicated to how you can use the SVG Turbulence and Displacement Map filters to create an interesting switching effect for pictures and videos.
265. anders
🧊 Модальний Гомотопічний Прувер
266. omm-ws2021
Material for the Online Multimedia Lecture at LMU Munich in the Wintersemester 2020/21
🧊 Інститут Формальної Математики
The source of the Paper.js website, translated to the static pages in by running it through in a Travis CI worker on each commit.
269. group inou-EYE
tool for making group_inou "EYE"
270. webpack-starter-pug-sass-es6-jquery
Webpack 5 starter that supports Pug, SASS, ES6 ES7 ES8 ES9 ES10 ES11 ES12, VanillaJS/jQuery... (without framework) and generate URLs without the .html extension.
271. EscherConverter
A standalone program that reads files created with the graphical network editor Escher and converts them to files in community standard formats.
272. ord
🌎 Translate words using Wikipedia data
273. vulnerable-node-app
A NoSQL Injectable Node App
274. xfl
load large fonts by splitting font file according to word frequency.
275. openNOx
Open NOx measurement Station with Webservice for gathering data
276. giada-www
Official website of Giada Loop Machine. Powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries.
278. swaps-service
Submarine Swaps Service
280. copy-as-org-mode
A Firefox Add-on (WebExtension) to copy selected web page into Org-mode formatted text!
281. ispinner
Pure CSS spinner like iOS UIActivityIndicatorView
283. quant-on-volume
284. chappe
🧑‍💻 Developer Docs builder. Write guides in Markdown and references in API Blueprint. Comes with a built-in search engine.
285. gem-check
GemCheck: Writing Better Ruby Gems Checklist
287. Responsive-Email-Template-Builder
Responsive Email Template - build system (include inliner).
A collection site of Firefox userchrome themes, mostly from FirefoxCSS Reddit community.
289. meteor-messageformat
MessageFormat i18n support for Meteor, with reactive templates
290. truthy
Open source headless CMS API written using NestJS, that has pre built modules like User Management, Role Management, Permission Management, Email Module, Account Settings, OTP, Throttling, RBAC support, Localization, and many more.
291. talks
Talks tracker. Open an issue to propose a talk.
292. alexa-for-business
This repository holds sample Alexa skill templates for use in enterprise scenarios and in particular for use with Alexa for Business ( Some samples are more complete, such as the Help Desk skill, but others will be smaller in scope, focusing on specific use cases or integrations.
293. mobilevis
MobileVis - a gallery of mobile data visualizations
294. opencc-web
Web UI of OpenCC
296. Plateo
🤖 Python biolab automation library: parsers, reports generators, picklists simulators, and more
298. verify-v2-quickstart-node
No description or website provided.
299. hackathon-board
node.js based webapp to manage Hackathon events
300. presearch-packages
Instant information packages for the Presearch engine
251-300 of 443 Pug projects