Top 139323 python open source projects

701. Music generator demo
Music Generator Demo by @Sirajology on Youtube
✭ 243
702. Twitterstockmonitor
Monitors a single or many Twitter Handle's tweets and if a company name is within their tweets, monitors the company's stock levels for the next week. Was originally the "TrumpStockMonitor"
✭ 243
703. Poline
Python one-liners: Awk-like one-liners for python
✭ 243
704. Caption generator
A modular library built on top of Keras and TensorFlow to generate a caption in natural language for any input image.
705. Agriculture knowledgegraph
706. Termgraph
a python command-line tool which draws basic graphs in the terminal
✭ 2,754
707. Opsmanage
自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI
708. Einops
Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others)
709. Jumpcutter
Automatically edits vidx. Explanation here:
✭ 2,771
710. Albert
ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations
711. Pocketflow
An Automatic Model Compression (AutoMC) framework for developing smaller and faster AI applications.
712. Ropgadget
This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF, PE and Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC and MIPS architectures.
714. Deep Learning From Scratch
『ゼロから作る Deep Learning』(O'Reilly Japan, 2016)
✭ 2,931
715. Asciimatics
A cross platform package to do curses-like operations, plus higher level APIs and widgets to create text UIs and ASCII art animations
717. Plotnine
A grammar of graphics for Python
718. Tensorflow Object Detection Api Tutorial Train Multiple Objects Windows 10
How to train a TensorFlow Object Detection Classifier for multiple object detection on Windows
✭ 2,745
719. Nlp Architect
A model library for exploring state-of-the-art deep learning topologies and techniques for optimizing Natural Language Processing neural networks
722. Opendevops
724. Sniper
SNIPER / AutoFocus is an efficient multi-scale object detection training / inference algorithm
725. Segmentation
TensorFlow implementation of ENet, trained on the Cityscapes dataset.
727. Curequests
Curio + Requests: Async HTTP for Humans
729. Trafficflowprediction
Traffic Flow Prediction with Neural Networks(SAEs、LSTM、GRU).
730. Real time object detection and tracking
YOLOv2 and MobileNet_SSD detection algorithms used along with KCF object tracker
731. Ai law
all kinds of baseline models for long text classificaiton( text categorization)
732. Awesome Blockchain Kor
<블록체인의 정석>, <하이퍼레저 블록체인 개발> 소스코드 및 참고자료 저장소
733. Mgn Pytorch
Reproduction of paper: Learning Discriminative Features with Multiple Granularities for Person Re-Identification
✭ 241
734. Rrpn faster Rcnn tensorflow
A tensorflow re-implementation of RRPN: Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals.
735. Rendernet
Code for RenderNet: A deep convolutional network for differentiable rendering from 3D shapes
✭ 243
736. Afm cvpr2019
Official implementation of paper "Learning Attraction Field Map for Robust Line Segment Detection" (CVPR 2019)
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737. 3d Point Capsule Networks
3D Point Capsule Networks
✭ 243
738. Linux On Litex Vexriscv
Linux on LiteX-VexRiscv
✭ 243
740. Hedy
Hedy is a gradual programming language, which increases in syntactic elements level by level.
741. Cuteuid
Generate cute UIDs
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742. Maskflownet
[CVPR 2020, Oral] MaskFlownet: Asymmetric Feature Matching with Learnable Occlusion Mask
743. Torghostng
TorghostNG - Make your internet traffic anonymized through Tor network and Privoxy. Rewritten from TorGhost with Python 3
744. Scnet
The official PyTorch implementation of CVPR 2020 paper "Improving Convolutional Networks with Self-Calibrated Convolutions"
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745. Simbert
a bert for retrieval and generation
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746. 100daysofcloudideas
The purpose of this repo is to provide a list of micro-projects to help people with their Cloud Journey.
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747. Telegram channel downloader
748. Validictory
🎓 deprecated general purpose python data validator
749. Python Uinput
Pythonic API to Linux uinput module
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750. Bitbake
bitbake tool
✭ 241
701-750 of 139323 python projects