Top 7211 Vue open source projects

802. Blog-laravel
This is built on Laravel Framework 5.5. This was built for demonstrate purpose.
Restructured MPEG-4 Registration Authority Web Site
804. SSO Project
OWASP Single Sign-On allows a secure-by-default self-hosted SSO experience, including phishing-proof two-factor authentication, using state-of-the-art security mechanisms.
805. covidpass
Scan your vaccination, test and recovery certificates in QR code representation and save them to your Apple Wallet
807. wulkanowy-web
🌋 Przeglądarkowy klient dzienniczka VULCAN UONET+ dla ucznia i rodzica
808. vue-node
810. IconSpirit
IconSpirit is a vector icon library of corporate intranet Icons developed based on node + vue
811. vuex-reset
A Vuex plugin that makes restoring initial state to the store simple
812. Talks
Apasionadas y apasionados del desarrollo frontend y de las tecnologías web en Murcia y alrededores, ¡Esto es una llamamiento para vosotras y vosotros! Nos reunimos mensualmente para intercambiar experiencias y opiniones sobre este ámbito del desarrollo ya sea con exposiciones y charlas o con conversaciones entre todas y todos los developers.
813. osiris
🎨 A Vue.js 2.0 universal responsive UI component library
814. riven-mirror
极镜 - the impressive warframe tool site
The next generation website
817. Version-4
No description, website, or topics provided.
818. eaglejs-demo
Demo slideshows for Eagle.js
819. OpenAgoraWeb-Vue
Video Call App built with ❤️Agora SDK❤️ and Vue
821. case
Java 大合集 , 包含多种框架的运用 , 微服务 , 压测 , 性能分析 , 文档 , 源码分析
822. cityvizor
Cityvizor je aplikace pro všechny, které zajímá hospodaření obcí v ČR – pro občany, zastupitele, pracovníky obce i novináře. Přináší přehlednou vizualizaci rozpočtu obce s detailními daty, která jsou získávána přímo z jejích účetních systémů a následně zobrazována přehledně, srozumitelně a v souvislostech.
824. vue-mobile
826. backend-v2
MeEdu 后台前端项目
827. lyrebird-tracking
Tracking 是基于Lyrebird的插件,提供服务请求的数据分析及验证的功能
828. exam-student
在线考试系统(学生端)Vue.js2.5 + vue-router + Element UI + vue-cli
830. laravel-dropzone
Reusable upload component in Laravel with Dropzone.js
✭ 15
831. octovue
OctoVue is an alternative web interface for OctoPrint
832. code-segment
833. pinia-shared-state
🍍 A lightweight plugin to sync your pinia state across browser tabs.
834. YetAnotherShrinker
A simple URL shortener that demonstrates Vue.js and Webpack with hot module reload on ASP.NET Core
836. oh-my-box
基于 vue 的移动端滑动组件,类似抖音首页滑屏效果。
837. Framework7-Vue-Webpack-Cordova
No description, website, or topics provided.
839. Fantom-PWA-Explorer
JavaScript and Vue based Fantom PWA explorer
840. vue-cart
use vuex to complete shopping process
841. aec-startups
List of AEC Startups
842. Auction
Auction smart contract and DApp
843. vue3-boilerplate
A Vue 3 Starter Boilerplate with Vue Router 4, Vuex 4, TypeScript 4, Webpack 5, Prettier and More.
844. nuxt-express
Creating isomorphic web applications with Nuxt and Express.
846. hero-story-crawer
王者荣耀故事站 node爬虫
848. Ed2kChromePlugin
a useful tool for coping mount of ed2k link on the page
850. vue-aui
Set of AUI (Atlassian User Interface) components in native Vue.js way.