Top 214 alfred open source projects

Tldr Alfred
Alfred workflow for TLDR
Alfred Pdf Tools
Optimize, encrypt and manipulate PDF files.
Alfred Workflow
Alfred 3/4 workflow to get translations from
An alternative to alfred written in java
Alfred Fuzzy
Fuzzy search helper for Alfred 3+ workflows
Alfred Time
Start and stop tracking time with Toggl, Harvest, Everhour or Clockify through Alfred 4
Play Song
An Alfred workflow for quickly and easily playing music in iTunes / Apple Music
Apple Automation
iOS/macOS 自动化,效率玩法探索。
A QRcode generator with python-qrcode for Alfred Workflows.
Alfred Appscripts
Alfred workflow to search and run/open AppleScripts for the active application
My collection of AppleScripts created/acquired over the years. This repo is designed to provide useful AppleScripts for others and as a general resource for AppleScript education.
Alfred Open Windows
Alfred extension to switch between open windows of the currently focused application
Alfred Lock
Alfred 3 workflow to lock your Mac
Alfred Emoji Script with Taco and other unicode 9 emoji
Alfred Atom
Alfred workflow to browse and open Atom projects
Alfred Mdi
Alfred 3 workflow to find Material Design Icons
Alfred Kaomoji
Alfred workflow to find relevant Kaomoji from text
Alfred Bluetooth Connect
Alfred plugin that allowed to connect/disconnect to paired bluetooth device
Alfred Kozip Workflow
📦 도로명/지번 한영 주소 검색을 Alfred에서!
Alfred Man
man(1) workflow for Alfred
Alfred Unicode
Preview Unicode characters and emoji in Alfred
Alfred Spotify Mini Player
🎵🎩 Alfred workflow to control your Spotify library at your fingertips
Wechat Alfred Workflow
wechat workflow for Alfred:微信快速发送消息 & 打开聊天窗口 & 查看聊天记录 & more…
Alfred Collection
A collection of all known Alfred3 workflows
🔍 A smart launcher. Powered by JavaScript.
alfred-py: A deep learning utility library for **human**, more detail about the usage of lib to:
Launcher for Windows, an alternative to Alfred and Launchy.
Notion Toolbox
This is a collection of Notion tools that work in tandem together.
Markdown Img Upload
A workflow for Alfred that implements translation from any language to any other language that is supported by google
Alfred Jetbrains
Alfred3 workflow to easily open your projects with your favorite JetBrains product.
Themer Gui
A graphical UI for themer. Replaced by Progressive Web App at
Alfred Stackexchange
Search from Alfred
Jetbrains Alfred Workflow
Open a project with one of JetBrains' product.
Alfredworkflow Devonthink Search
Powerful Tool for Searching in DEVONthink.
My Mac Os
List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
Customize global hotkeys in macOS.
Alfred My Mind
Alfred workflow to search through my notes and bookmarks
Alfred Bear
Alfred 3 workflow to create and search notes in Bear.
Alfred Pocket
Manage your Pocket list with Alfred
Alfred Wunderlist Workflow
Unbelievably fast task entry in Wunderlist with due dates, reminders, and recurrence
Hue Alfred Workflow
An Alfred workflow for controlling Philips Hue lights.
Alfred Ssh
Open SSH/SFTP/mosh connections from Alfred 3+
Record shortcuts in macOS, like
Launch apps with greater control, search files effortlessly and extend features with community plugins. Fast and fluid productivity tool of choice that helps your workflow.
A cross-platform cloud synchronization development tool for developers that includes input enhancement, code snippet management, and Markdown. (专为开发者开发的一个集输入增强、代码片段管理(支持 Markdown)为一体跨平台云同步的开发工具。)
👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
Alfred Things
Interact with Things 3 using Alfred.
61-120 of 214 alfred projects