Top 58 angular-2 open source projects

Angularfire2 Offline
🔌 A simple wrapper for AngularFire2 to read and write to Firebase while offline, even after a complete refresh.
Preserver is desktop notes organiser built on electron, angular2, pouchDB
Ngx Resource
Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2
PinWork(Pinterest for bloggers) built with ❤️ using Angular2 (4.0.0)
Ng In Viewport
Allows us to check if an element is within the browsers visual viewport
Ng2 Signalr
angular2 - signalr library
Learn Angular From Scratch Step By Step
Angular step by step tutorial covering from basic concepts of Angular Framework to building a complete Angular app using Angular Material components. We will go through the main building blocks of an Angular 7 application as well as the best practices for building a complete app with Angular.
Ngx Openlayers
Angular2+ components for Openlayers 4.x
Ngx Filter Pipe
𝗩 Angular 5+ pipeline for array filtering.
Ngx Mydatepicker
Angular 2+ attribute directive datepicker
Angular Redux
Angular 4 and Redux simplified + Live Demo
Scala.js bindings for Angular
EGEO is the open-source UI library used to build Stratio's UI. It includes UI Components, Utilities, Services and much more to build user interfaces quickly and with ease. The library is distributed in AoT mode.
This is a NodeJS/Angular 2 frontend UI for Kafka cluster monitoring with Burrow
angular 2+ / leaflet 1.x component collection
👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
Bootstraping Ngx Admin Lte
Angular2,4,6 project with AdminLTE dashboard template (using angular, angular-cli and ngx-admin-lte ) Formerly called 'ng2-admin-lte'.
Yatrum - Share and Discover Travel Stories, Itineraries, Travel Guides built with ♥️ using Angular 4.0.0
Ngx Responsive
Superset of RESPONSIVE DIRECTIVES to show or hide items according to the size of the device screen and another features in Angular 9
Simple dev/prod build for Angular (2+) using gulp, systemjs, rollup, ngc (AOT), scss, Visual Studio
Test TODO applications to compare ionic2 and Aurelia + Framework7
Simple Angular seed project with commonly used features.
This is an application where angular as front-end and laravel as back-end
🖨️ A plug n' play Angular (2++) library to print your stuff
Code samples for the Angular Material Talk: "Building Beautiful Web Apps with Angular Material"
A Pokedex built on Angular with AoT, Tree Shaking, Rollup and TypeScript
Demo app for angular reactive nested forms
1-58 of 58 angular-2 projects