Top 773 chrome open source projects

Surfingkeys Conf
A SurfingKeys configuration which adds 130+ key mappings for 20+ sites & OmniBar search suggestions for 50+ sites
Chrome Keylogger Extension | Post Exploitation Tool
A user styles manager for Firefox and Chrome
All-in-one browser extension for Scratch.
A 1Password-compatible command-line and web-based password manager
React Chrome Extension
Chrome Extension boilerplate with ReactJS and vanilla JS examples
Better code navigation in github
🎹🐻 Nook is a Chrome/Firefox extension that plays Animal Crossing hourly themes.
Vue Electron Chrome
Simple Chrome Custom Tabs
Easy integration of Chrome Custom Tabs into your project. Just connect it to your activity, and navigate to the external website styling your tab as you wish.
Urql Devtools
A tool for monitoring and debugging urql during development
Chrome Qrcode
⚡️ A Chrome plugin to Genrate QRCode of URL / Text, or Decode the QRcode in website. 一个Chrome浏览器插件,用于生成当前URL或者选中内容的二维码,同时可以用于解析网页上的二维码内容。
UserScripts for Firefox, Chrome and etc
Blocker Database
A global domain based database for NoScript, uBlock, uMatrix & ScriptSafe
Chicago Brick
Software that displays content on a multi-node video wall.
A slim PHP wrapper around google-chrome to convert url to pdf or to take screenshots , easy to use and clean OOP interface
Squidwarc is a high fidelity, user scriptable, archival crawler that uses Chrome or Chromium with or without a head
Kdeconnect Chrome Extension
A browser extension to send pages and content from your browser to connected KDE Connect devices.
Detect if DevTools is open
Foot traffic
Pure Ruby DSL for Chrome scripting based on Ferrum. No Selenium required. Works from any script. Simulate web app usage scenarios in production or locally.
Js Nightwatch Recorder
🌙 ⌚️ NightwatchJs recorder for Chrome
Convert HTML to PDF with Chrome
Almighty Book Downloader
Open Source Intelligence Browser Extension
A guide to editing Chrome themes
Vertical Tabs Chrome Extension
A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. Problem solved.
Sushi Browser
Sushi Browser is the next generation browser which mounts the multi-panel and the video support function and so on. Its goal is to be as fantastic as sushi. 🍣
Discord Panel
📊 User friendly dashboard/tool for discord bot developpers to manage servers
Web Extension Starter
Typescript, React, Redux, Styled-Component and Webpack based sample extension boilerplate. Runs on Chrome and Firefox. Sample chrome extension.
💻 Share your Mac's current chrome tab via airdrop
A Go package for working with headless Chrome. Run interactive JavaScript commands on web pages with Go and Chrome.
Sbo Video Extension
Safari Books Online Video Downloder Extension to Google Chrome
程序开发常用工具 chrome 扩展
React Color
🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
T Rex Runner
the t-rex runner game extracted from chromium
Gibbon Tabs
The Chrome tab manager you always wanted.
Chrome Har
Create HAR files from Chrome Debugging Protocol data
Exposed Unity Editor WebView API
📗 豆瓣读书笔记第三方客户端
Puppeteer Webperf
Automating Web Performance testing with Puppeteer 🎪
Cromos is a tool for downloading legitimate extensions of the Chrome Web Store and inject codes in the background of the application.
A browser extension to add links and run scripts/stylesheets all from your right-click menu
Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
Zhishiwenda Helper
百万英雄/冲顶大会/知识超人 答题助手 瞬间使用Chrome打开百度
Shopify Theme Inspector
A Chrome DevTools plugin that visualizes Shopify Liquid render profiling data so you can triage long-running code and reduce server response times!
Save In
WebExtension for saving media, links, or selections into user-defined directories
Docker Automated Build Repository for siomiz/chrome -- Google Chrome via VNC (or via Chrome Remote Desktop)
Your Chrome Alfred - An Extension to provide spotlight-like interface for your bookmarks