Top 478 lambda open source projects

Ask Around Me
The Ask Around Me example serverless web application. See the Compute Blog series and video series for more information. Contact @jbesw for info.
Vapor Aws Lambda Runtime
Run your Vapor api server on AWS Lambda using the official Swift Server runtime.
Aws Iot Certificate Vending Machine
The CVM allows a device to apply for its own certificate and installation.
BinaryAlert: Serverless, Real-time & Retroactive Malware Detection.
Serverless Api Example
Example of a Golang, Serverless API
Flogo Contrib
Flogo Contribution repo. Contains activities, triggers, models and actions.
Up focuses on deploying "vanilla" HTTP servers so there's nothing new to learn, just develop with your favorite existing frameworks such as Express, Koa, Django, Golang net/http or others.
Bastions On Demand
Create and destroy bastions on demand with Fargate.
Lambda Audio
Run Sound eXchange (SoX), the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation, with Lame on AWS Lambda
Code snippets and samples to demonstrate how to get the most out of the Box platform & API provides serverless execution and deployment of crystal language code in Google Cloud Functions
Alexa Skill Building Cookbook
Serverless Application Model
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications
Appsync Resolvers Example
Example project for AppSync, GraphQL, and AWS Lambda resolvers using Go.
Alexa Monzo
Monzo Skill for the Amazon Alexa
Nextjs With Lambda
Next.js example with deploying to AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda HTTP Proxy integration event bridge to Go net/http.
Aws Event Sources
Knative event sources for AWS services
AWS Lambda / API Gateway native, fast and simple web framework
Lambda Coding Round Evaluator
lambda-coding-round-evaluator is a Serverless application to automate coding round submission and evaluation. It helps you get rid of emails and easily filter out bad candidates. Yay!
A "read later" service for the IndieWeb using Micropub
Terraform Nextjs Plugin
A plugin to generate terraform configuration for Nextjs 8 and 9
Lambda Zsh Theme
λ Beautiful lambda theme for Zsh
Lamlight is a command line tool to allow easy handling of AWS lambda functions. It allows to put heavy dependencies like numpy and scipy on AWS lambda and updating your lambda function very quickly.
Serverless Geoip
Use MaxMind GeoLite2 database with AWS Lambda
A distributed job execution engine for the execution of batch jobs, workflows, remediations and more.
Serverless Plugin Stackstorm
Plugin for serverless framework to run ready to use actions from StackStorm Exchange as AWS Lambda.
Workshop Donkeytracker
Workshop to build a serverless tracking application for your mobile device with an AWS backend
Learn Aws Lambda
✨ Learn how to use AWS Lambda to easily create infinitely scalable web services
Lambda Proxy Router
A simple router for AWS Lambda Proxy Functions
Sherlock Holmes Partying In The Jungle
Parses AWS events payloads into a plain JavaScript object
Eskimo Stripper
Strips DynamoDB Stream Items of its schema and returns a plain JavaScript object
Android kernel leeco msm8996
Lambda Kernel for the LeEco Le Pro3 / Le Max2 [MSM8996]
monitoring tool for better visibility when developing AWS Lambda functions
Serverless Contactform
A serverless app to serve the contactform
Simpliest way to ask runtime permissions on Android, no need to extend class or override permissionResult method, choose your way : Kotlin / Coroutines / RxJava / Java7 / Java8
Lambda Deployment Example
Automated Lambda Deployments with Terraform & CodePipeline
Awslambda Pycrypto
pycrypto packaged for awslambda
Github To S3 Lambda Deployer
⚓️ GitHub webhook extension for uploading static pages to AWS S3 directly after commiting to master via Lambda written in Node.js
Aws Node Elasticache Vpc
Serverless function using elasticache (redis) within VPC
Jwt Example
Playing with user registration, login/logout, auth, etc using JWTs, serverless functions & faunadb as the data store.
Aws Lambda Workshop
Some incremental examples suitable to host an AWS Lambda Functions workshop
A CLI tool to trace AWS Lambda calls over multiple CloudWatch log groups.
Aws Lambda Resize Images
AWS Lambda function to generate a set of resized images (large, medium, small)
Aws Toolkit Vscode
AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, an extension for working with AWS services including AWS Lambda.
Archive aws Lambda Go Shim
Author your AWS Lambda functions in Go, effectively.
Serverless Domain Manager
Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.