Top 450 lstm open source projects

A Recsys
A Tensorflow based implicit recommender system
Sarcasm detection on tweets using neural network
Multitask sentiment analysis
Multitask Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis using Character-Level Language Model, Bi-LSTMs for POS Tag, Chunking and Unsupervised Dependency Parsing. Inspired by this great article
Word Rnn Tensorflow
Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for word-level language models in Python using TensorFlow.
Cnn lstm for text classify
CNN, LSTM, NBOW, fasttext 中文文本分类
Lstm chem
Implementation of the paper - Generative Recurrent Networks for De Novo Drug Design.
Self Attention Classification
document classification using LSTM + self attention
Copper price forecast
copper price(time series) prediction using bpnn and lstm
Pytorch Sentiment Analysis Classification
A PyTorch Tutorials of Sentiment Analysis Classification (RNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, LSTM+Attention, CNN)
Stock Rnn
Predict stock market prices using RNN model with multilayer LSTM cells + optional multi-stock embeddings.
Dialogue Understanding
This repository contains PyTorch implementation for the baseline models from the paper Utterance-level Dialogue Understanding: An Empirical Study
Lstm Ctc Ocr
using rnn (lstm or gru) and ctc to convert line image into text, based on torch7 and warp-ctc
Sequentialdata Gan
Tensorflow Implementation of GAN modeling for sequential data
NN based lossless compression
Caffe ocr
Hred Attention Tensorflow
An extension on the Hierachical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Generative Context-Aware Query Suggestion, our implementation is in Tensorflow and uses an attention mechanism.
Keras bert classification
Bert-classification and bert-dssm implementation with keras.
Irm Based Speech Enhancement Using Lstm
Ideal Ratio Mask (IRM) Estimation based Speech Enhancement using LSTM
Sentiment Analysis Nltk Ml Lstm
Sentiment Analysis on the First Republic Party debate in 2016 based on Python,NLTK and ML.
Chinese semantic role labeling
基于 Bi-LSTM 和 CRF 的中文语义角色标注
Tf Lstm Crf Batch
Tensorflow-LSTM-CRF tool for Named Entity Recognizer
This repo contains code to detect sarcasm from text in discussion forum using deep learning
Lstm Context Embeddings
Augmenting word embeddings with their surrounding context using bidirectional RNN
Char rnn lm zh
language model in Chinese,基于Pytorch官方文档实现
Social Lstm Vehicletrajectory
Social LSTM using PyTorch for Vehicle Data
Speech Music Detection
Python framework for Speech and Music Detection using Keras.
Pointer Networks Experiments
Sorting numbers with pointer networks
Time Attention
Implementation of RNN for Time Series prediction from the paper
Tensorflow Lstm Sin
TensorFlow 1.3 experiment with LSTM (and GRU) RNNs for sine prediction
Ner blstm Crf
LSTM-CRF for NER with ConLL-2002 dataset
Gym Continuousdoubleauction
A custom MARL (multi-agent reinforcement learning) environment where multiple agents trade against one another (self-play) in a zero-sum continuous double auction. Ray [RLlib] is used for training.
Rnn Notebooks
RNN(SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU) Tensorflow2.0 & Keras Notebooks (Workshop materials)
Spectral-Spatial Unified Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
1st Place Solution for Zhihu Machine Learning Challenge . Implementation of various text-classification models.(知乎看山杯第一名解决方案)
Avsr Deep Speech
Google Summer of Code 2017 Project: Development of Speech Recognition Module for Red Hen Lab