Top 450 lstm open source projects

Efficient and easy to use transliteration for Indian languages
Char Rnn Keras
TensorFlow implementation of multi-layer recurrent neural networks for training and sampling from texts
Rnn Stocks Prediction
Another attempt to use Deep-Learning in the financial markets
Language Modelling
Generating Text using Deep Learning in Python - LSTM, RNN, Keras
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis on tweets using Naive Bayes, SVM, CNN, LSTM, etc.
Tensorflow Sentiment Analysis On Amazon Reviews Data
Implementing different RNN models (LSTM,GRU) & Convolution models (Conv1D, Conv2D) on a subset of Amazon Reviews data with TensorFlow on Python 3. A sentiment analysis project.
Visualization Toolbox for Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTMs)
Rnn Theano
Qa Rankit
QA - Answer Selection (Rank candidate answers for a given question)
Lstm peptides
Long short-term memory recurrent neural networks for learning peptide and protein sequences to later design new, similar examples.
Simple Chatbot Keras
Design and build a chatbot using data from the Cornell Movie Dialogues corpus, using Keras
light deep neural network tools box(LSTM,GRU,RNN,CNN,Bi-LSTM,etc)
Awesome Mad Science
Delightful npm packages that make you say "wow, didn't know that was possible!"
Lstm Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis with LSTMs in Tensorflow
Pytorch Sublstm
subLSTMs for pytorch from Cortical microcircuits as gated-recurrent neural networks
Neural Image Captioning
Implementation of Neural Image Captioning model using Keras with Theano backend
Deep Music Genre Classification
🎵 Using Deep Learning to Categorize Music as Time Progresses Through Spectrogram Analysis
Chainer Rnn Ner
Named Entity Recognition with RNN, implemented by Chainer
Multitask Learning Protein Prediction
Multitask learning: protein secondary structure prediction, b-values prediction and solvent-accessibility prediction
Generating Dance steps for given music with deep learning
Tensorflow Tutorial
Some interesting TensorFlow tutorials for beginners.
Python autocomplete
A simple neural network for python autocompletion
Seq2seq Chatbot
Chatbot in 200 lines of code using TensorLayer
Getting Things Done With Pytorch
Jupyter Notebook tutorials on solving real-world problems with Machine Learning & Deep Learning using PyTorch. Topics: Face detection with Detectron 2, Time Series anomaly detection with LSTM Autoencoders, Object Detection with YOLO v5, Build your first Neural Network, Time Series forecasting for Coronavirus daily cases, Sentiment Analysis with BERT.
Text Classification
Implementation of papers for text classification task on DBpedia
Conv Emotion
This repo contains implementation of different architectures for emotion recognition in conversations.
Ad examples
A collection of anomaly detection methods (iid/point-based, graph and time series) including active learning for anomaly detection/discovery, bayesian rule-mining, description for diversity/explanation/interpretability. Analysis of incorporating label feedback with ensemble and tree-based detectors. Includes adversarial attacks with Graph Convolutional Network.
Voice activity detection (VAD) toolkit including DNN, bDNN, LSTM and ACAM based VAD. We also provide our directly recorded dataset.
A framework for using LSTMs to detect anomalies in multivariate time series data. Includes spacecraft anomaly data and experiments from the Mars Science Laboratory and SMAP missions.
Multi Class Text Classification Cnn Rnn
Classify Kaggle San Francisco Crime Description into 39 classes. Build the model with CNN, RNN (GRU and LSTM) and Word Embeddings on Tensorflow.
Video Classification
Tutorial for video classification/ action recognition using 3D CNN/ CNN+RNN on UCF101
Attention Networks For Classification
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification in PyTorch
Multilabel Timeseries Classification With Lstm
Tensorflow implementation of paper: Learning to Diagnose with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks.
Lstm Fcn
Codebase for the paper LSTM Fully Convolutional Networks for Time Series Classification
Musical Neural Net
Train an LSTM to generate piano or violin/piano music.
DanceNet -💃💃Dance generator using Autoencoder, LSTM and Mixture Density Network. (Keras)
Cnn lstm ctc ocr
Tensorflow-based CNN+LSTM trained with CTC-loss for OCR
Pytorch Ntm
Neural Turing Machines (NTM) - PyTorch Implementation
Tensorflow Lstm Regression
Sequence prediction using recurrent neural networks(LSTM) with TensorFlow
Chinese poem generator
custom human activity recognition modules by pose estimation and cascaded inference using sklearn API
Zhihu Text Classification
[2017知乎看山杯 多标签 文本分类] ye组(第六名) 解题方案
Flow Forecast
Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection (originally for flood forecasting).
181-240 of 450 lstm projects