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Top 1237 raspberry-pi open source projects

Ipfs Rpi
IPFS installer for the Raspberry Pi and other ARM-based devices.
A Markdown Wiki for treehouses 🏡
Ansible Rpi K8s Cluster
Deploy Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster using Ansible
A framework for diskless computing
Delta5 race timer
Multi-node video transmitter race timer for drone racing
Phantomjs On Raspberry
Phantomjs for raspberry pi (armv6/armv7) and aarch64/arm64
TPM Genie is an I2C bus interposer for discrete Trusted Platform Modules
Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit intel.
Pihole Panel
Python/GTK3 based Pi-hole (network-level adblocker) dashboard for stats and more
Tina is a teeny tiny, header only, coroutine and job library.
Balena Minecraft Server
Build a Minecraft Server using a Raspberry Pi 4! Supports common Servers, SCP, RCON and Wifi Connect.
Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8812BU and RTL8822BU Chipsets
Rpi Monitor Deb
Debian packaging for RPi-Monitor. Real time monitoring for embedded devices.
free autopilot for sailboats written in python supporting signalk
Crankshaft: A turnkey GNU/Linux solution that transforms a Raspberry Pi to an Android Auto head unit.
English version of the Raspberry Pi SCSI interface board "RaSCSI". This allows a Raspberry Pi to function as an emulated hard disk and/or CD-ROM for vintage Macintosh computers.
Lightpack Docs
The most complete Lightpack project documentation
Go library to do GPIO on systems with /sys/class/gpio (sysfs)
📷 Stream video from the Raspberry Pi Camera Module to the web
Balena Cam
Network Camera with Raspberry Pi and WebRTC. Tutorial:
Project alias
Alias is a teachable “parasite” that is designed to give users more control over their smart assistants, both when it comes to customisation and privacy. Through a simple app the user can train Alias to react on a custom wake-word/sound, and once trained, Alias can take control over your home assistant by activating it for you.
Docker Homebridge
Homebridge Docker. HomeKit support for the impatient using Docker on x86_64, Raspberry Pi (armhf) and ARM64. Includes ffmpeg + libfdk-aac.
Android Things Electricity Monitor
Electricity Monitor using Android Things and Firebase Realtime Database
Streaming camera to web as MJPEG stream or individual JPEG snapshots. Providing embedded web UI for watching camera directly from a web browser.
Raspberry Pi 3 UEFI Firmware Images
Playing with dockerizing Swift for Raspberry Pi
Arm Vo
Efficient monocular visual odometry for ground vehicles on ARM processors
Sega Master System / Game Gear / SG-1000 emulator for iOS, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Windows, Linux and RetroArch.
Pi Temp
Web server using a Raspberry Pi and DHT22 sensor to graph the humidity and temperature in my apartment over time.
Chromecast emulator that works on any platform. Stream videos from youtube to raspberry pi or any computer with the chromecast protocol.
Yet Another Homematic Management - Skripte zur Einrichtung der Homematic CCU Oberfläche in einem LXC Container unter Debian Jessie auf ARM CPU (z.B.: Raspberry Pi & Co)
📶 RouteryPi is a simple WiFi access point made out of any Raspberry Pi 🥧
Low-latency hardware accelerated codec based video streaming utility.
Hashi Up
bootstrap HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, or Vault over SSH < 1 minute
Commute Deck
A computer built into a mechanical keyboard.
Aiyprojects Raspbian
API libraries, samples, and system images for AIY Projects (Voice Kit and Vision Kit)
A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl, Marlin, Smoothieware, or TinyG.
Infoboard showing time, weather, calendar events, photos from local folder or online sources as background and Transport for London status updates. Intended for Raspberry Pi, but should work on any machine with NodeJS available.
RaspiSMS est un système de gestion et d'envoi de SMS par ordinateur, initialement conçu pour les Raspberry Pi
Rpi Tempruntime
Pi As Keyboard
Make your Raspberry act as a Keyboard
Iotedge Lorawan Starterkit
Experimental sample implementation of LoRaWAN components to connect LoRaWAN antenna gateway running IoT Edge directly with Azure IoT.
JingOS - The World’s First Linux-based OS design for Tablets
🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Pi Hole Droid
Pi-hole Droid is an unofficial app that connects to your Pi-hole to show charts and statistics.
181-240 of 1237 raspberry-pi projects