Top 43 vgg open source projects

Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network
Vgg19 with tensorflow
An easy implement of VGG19 with tensorflow, which has a detailed explanation.
Pyramidbox implement with pytorch
Pytorch Imagenet Models Example + Transfer Learning (and fine-tuning)
This implements training of popular model architectures, such as AlexNet, ResNet and VGG on the ImageNet dataset(Now we supported alexnet, vgg, resnet, squeezenet, densenet)
X Ray Classification
X-ray Images (Chest images) analysis and anomaly detection using Transfer learning with inception v2
Covid 19 Detection Flask App Based On Chest X Rays And Ct Scans
COVID-19 Detection Chest X-rays and CT scans: COVID-19 Detection based on Chest X-rays and CT Scans using four Transfer Learning algorithms: VGG16, ResNet50, InceptionV3, Xception. The models were trained for 500 epochs on around 1000 Chest X-rays and around 750 CT Scan images on Google Colab GPU. A Flask App was later developed wherein user can upload Chest X-rays or CT Scans and get the output of possibility of COVID infection.
Tensorflow Fcn
An Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks in Tensorflow.
Neural Style
Vgg16 Pytorch
VGG16 Net implementation from PyTorch Examples scripts for ImageNet dataset
Keras Idiomatic Programmer
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Repository for Single Shot MultiBox Detector and its variants, implemented with pytorch, python3.
Cnn Models
ImageNet pre-trained models with batch normalization for the Caffe framework
Numpy neural network
仅使用numpy从头开始实现神经网络,包括反向传播公式推导过程; numpy构建全连接层、卷积层、池化层、Flatten层;以及图像分类案例及精调网络案例等,持续更新中... ...
Tianchi Medical Lungtumordetect
天池医疗AI大赛[第一季]:肺部结节智能诊断 UNet/VGG/Inception/ResNet/DenseNet
Pytorch Image Classification
Tutorials on how to implement a few key architectures for image classification using PyTorch and TorchVision.
TensorFlow implementation of Faster RCNN for Object Detection
RM Operation can equivalently convert ResNet to VGG, which is better for pruning; and can help RepVGG perform better when the depth is large.
Bilinear CNN
A pytorch implementation of Bilinear CNNs for Fine-grained Visual Recognition(BCNN).
This is a Chinese Character ocr system based on Deep learning (VGG like CNN neural net work),this rep include trainning set generating,image preprocesing,NN model optimizing based on Keras high level NN framwork
Mainly use SSD, YOLO and other models to solve the target detection problem in image and video !
Identifying numbers from bankcard, based on Deep Learning with Keras [China Software Cup 2019]
No description or website provided.
1-43 of 43 vgg projects