Top 63 cifar10 open source projects

Dawn Bench Entries
DAWNBench: An End-to-End Deep Learning Benchmark and Competition
Tf Vqvae
Tensorflow Implementation of the paper [Neural Discrete Representation Learning]( (VQ-VAE).
Pytorch cifar10
Pretrained TorchVision models on CIFAR10 dataset (with weights)
A PyTorch implementation of SimCLR based on ICML 2020 paper "A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations"
Non-negative Positive-Unlabeled (nnPU) and unbiased Positive-Unlabeled (uPU) learning reproductive code on MNIST and CIFAR10
PyTorch-based modular, configuration-driven framework for knowledge distillation. 🏆18 methods including SOTA are implemented so far. 🎁 Trained models, training logs and configurations are available for ensuring the reproducibiliy.
Resnet Cifar10 Caffe
ResNet-20/32/44/56/110 on CIFAR-10 with Caffe
Lookahead pytorch
pytorch implement of Lookahead Optimizer
Generative adversarial networks 101
Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks. GANs, DCGAN, CGAN, CCGAN, WGAN and LSGAN models with MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.
Code for CVPR 2019 paper: " Learning Deep Compositional Grammatical Architectures for Visual Recognition"
Resnet On Cifar10
Reimplementation ResNet on cifar10 with caffe
Code for the neural architecture search methods contained in the paper Efficient Forward Neural Architecture Search
Pytorch shake shake
A PyTorch implementation of shake-shake
Neural Api
CAI NEURAL API - Pascal based neural network API optimized for AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instruction sets plus OpenCL capable devices including AMD, Intel and NVIDIA.
Tensorflow Cifar 10
Cifar-10 CNN implementation using TensorFlow library with 20% error.
Reference implementation for Blueprint Separable Convolutions (CVPR 2020)
[ICLR'19] Complement Objective Training
One Pixel Attack Keras
Keras implementation of "One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks" using differential evolution on Cifar10 and ImageNet
Knowledge Distillation Pytorch
A PyTorch implementation for exploring deep and shallow knowledge distillation (KD) experiments with flexibility
Randwire tensorflow
tensorflow implementation of Exploring Randomly Wired Neural Networks for Image Recognition
Tensorflow ResNet implementation on cifar10
Theano Xnor Net
Theano implementation of XNOR-Net
Image classification cifar 10
Image Classification on CIFAR-10 Dataset using Multi Layer Perceptrons in Python from Scratch.
Pytorch image classification
PyTorch implementation of image classification models for CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100/MNIST/FashionMNIST/Kuzushiji-MNIST/ImageNet
Neural Backed Decision Trees
Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet
[ICCV 2019] "AutoGAN: Neural Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks" by Xinyu Gong, Shiyu Chang, Yifan Jiang and Zhangyang Wang
Pytorch Cifar Models
3.41% and 17.11% error on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
VAE with RealNVP prior and Super-Resolution VAE in PyTorch. Code release for
Predict CIFAR-10 labels with 88% accuracy using keras.
The origin of the Non-IID phenomenon is the personalization of users, who generate the Non-IID data. With Non-IID (Not Independent and Identically Distributed) issues existing in the federated learning setting, a myriad of approaches has been proposed to crack this hard nut. In contrast, the personalized federated learning may take the advantage…
Train DenseNet on Cifar-10 based on Keras
Replace FC2, LeNet-5, VGG, Resnet, Densenet's full-connected layers with MPO
Classification Nets
Implement popular models by different DL framework. Such as tensorflow and caffe
PC-DARTS (PC-DARTS: Partial Channel Connections for Memory-Efficient Differentiable Architecture Search, published in ICLR 2020) implemented in Tensorflow 2.0+. This is an unofficial implementation.
A implementation of DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks) for CIFAR10 image
Keras implementation of temporal ensembling(semi-supervised learning)
1-60 of 63 cifar10 projects