Top 227 cplusplus open source projects

51. Cgreen
A modern, portable, cross-language unit testing and mocking framework for C and C++
52. Dukglue
A C++ binding/wrapper library for the Duktape JavaScript interpreter.
54. Ttkdownloader
TTKDownloader that imitation xunlei downloader, based on Qt for windows and linux.
55. Onvif Qt Server Client
Onvif QT Server Client is a sample for creating Onvif Server and Onvif Client with QT C++
59. 03 buildingescape
A simple First Person game to learn level building, lighting, Unreal Editor, C++ game logic, basic Blueprint and more. (ref: BE_URC)
60. Gil
Boost.GIL - Generic Image Library | Requires C++11 since Boost 1.68
62. Pluginguimagic
Examples for foleys_gui_magic - the styleable plugin gui
63. Qpid
Mirror of Apache Qpid
64. Fficxx
Haskell-C++ Foreign Function Interface Generator
65. Openann
An open source library for artificial neural networks.
66. Legacy
[Deprecated] Nano-framework for Node.js. Use PRO version
67. Cadabra2
A field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra.
68. Burstlinker
🚀 A simple GIF encoder for Android.
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71. Easyiterator
🏃 Iterators made easy! Zero cost abstractions for designing and using C++ iterators.
72. Corrosion
Marrying Rust and CMake - Easy Rust and C/C++ Integration!
73. Yocto Gl
Yocto/GL: Tiny C++ Libraries for Data-Driven Physically-based Graphics
74. Zlog
A high-performance distributed shared-log for Ceph
75. Cppinsights
C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
76. Kudu
Mirror of Apache Kudu
77. Op Website Hugo
Projeto do Site
78. Is Engine
SFML C++ game engine that allows to create games on Web (HTML 5 - CSS 3), Android and PC
79. Reef
Mirror of Apache REEF
80. Swiftaa
The most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in (C++, Objective-C and) Swift.
81. Math Parser Benchmark Project
C++ Mathematical Expression Parser Benchmark
82. Monte carlo ray tracer
A program with an implemented Monte Carlo Ray Tracer algorithm for global illumination of a virtual 3D scene.
83. Aurora
Minimal Deep Learning library is written in Python/Cython/C++ and Numpy/CUDA/cuDNN.
85. Uaiso
A multi-language parsing infrastructure with an unified AST
86. Sandboxed Api
Generates sandboxes for C/C++ libraries automatically
87. Qtotherexamples
91. Ganja.js
📐 Javascript Geometric Algebra Generator for Javascript, c++, c#, rust, python. (with operator overloading and algebraic literals) -
92. Qt Sesam
c't SESAM Password Manager (Qt version)
94. Sycl Dnn
SYCL-DNN is a library implementing neural network algorithms written using SYCL
96. Dmxusb
DMXUSB emulates an ENTTEC-compatible DMXKing USB to DMX serial device with one, two, or n universes.
97. Ccache
ccache – a fast compiler cache
98. Ttkocr
OCR 识别图片以及PDF中的文字, based on Qt for windows and linux.
100. Sqlite orm
❤️ SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++
51-100 of 227 cplusplus projects