Top 926 csharp open source projects

451. Aspnet Starter Kit 2.0
Cross-platform web development with Visual Studio Code, C#, F#, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, React (ReactJS), Redux, TypeScript. Single-page application boilerplate.
452. Extosc
extOSC is a tool dedicated to simplify creation of applications in Unity with OSC protocol usage.
453. Tsadmin web api 2 + vue.js +elementui 实现的前/后端分离的后台管理系统框架示例程序。
454. Forge
A Generic Low-Code Framework Built on a Config-Driven Tree Walker
455. Avalonia.extendedtoolkit
Extended Controls for Avalonia UI
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456. Enhanced Syntax Highlighting
[Marketplace] Lightweight "editor classifier extension" for Visual Studio based on the async Roslyn APIs to enhanced highlighting custom tags in C# code.
457. Codeframe.web
基于.net core 2.0的代码框架,目标用于快速构建web项目
458. Makemeadmin
Make Me Admin is a simple, open-source application for Windows that allows standard user accounts to be elevated to administrator-level, on a temporary basis.
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459. Harmonyx
Harmony built on top of MonoMod.RuntimeDetours with additional features
460. Fettle
An experimental mutation testing tool for C# code 🐛🔍
461. Md.persiandatetime
A C# library to use PersianCalendar as easy as DateTime
Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
465. Solr Express
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way.
466. Simplestubs
*SimpleStubs* is a simple mocking framework that supports Universal Windows Platform (UWP), .NET Core and .NET framework. SimpleStubs is currently developed and maintained by Microsoft BigPark Studios in Vancouver.
467. Cppast.codegen
An extensible library providing C# PInvoke codegen from C/C++ files for .NET
468. Gmimagepicker.xamarin
Port of the original GMImagePicker component to Xamarin.iOS
469. Leak
C# torrent library and client
470. Faststring
Strings in a hurry.
471. Learning Unity Ecs 2
A bunch of small Unity projects where I explore and learn Unity's new ECS and Job System. Updated for the new API.
473. Abotx
Cross Platform C# Web crawler framework, headless browser, parallel crawler. Please star this project! +1.
474. Skater .net Obfuscator
Skater .NET Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. It implements all known software protection techniques and obfuscation algorithms.
475. 3 Modifiers And Abilities
Customise character abilities, weapons, characters and enemies. This includes multiple damage types, modifiers, sounds, animations. By the end you can create your core combat experience. (REF MA_RPG)
476. 2 terminal hacker
C# functions, refactoring, enumerations, basic state machines. Arguments, parameters, strings, conditionals, variables. Whitespace management, bug fixes and basic game design. (REF: TH_CU2)
477. Sycophant
Numerous Ninjas: Beta stage mobile game written in Unity
478. Autowrap
Wrap existing D code for use in Python, Excel, C#
479. Zerosharp
Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
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481. Blazor.indexeddb.framework
A framework for blazor which acts as an interface to IndexedDB
482. Libobjectfile
LibObjectFile is a .NET library to read, manipulate and write linker and executable object files (e.g ELF, DWARF, ar...)
483. Reflexil
The .NET Assembly Editor
484. Expressiontreetostring
String representations of expression trees + library of expression tree objects
485. Tscancode
A static code analyzer for C++, C#, Lua
486. Materialwinforms
Materialized Windows Forms Controls
487. Csvtexteditor
CsvTextEditor is an ElasticTabStop csv editor implemented with AvalonEdit
491. Dnczeus
DncZeus 是一个基于ASP.NET Core 3 + Vue.js(iview-admin) 的前后端分离的通用后台权限(页面访问、操作按钮控制)管理系统框架。后端使用.NET Core 3 + Entity Framework Core构建,UI则是目前流行的基于Vue.js的iView(iview-admin)。项目实现了前后端的动态权限管理和控制以及基于JWT的用户令牌认证机制,让前后端的交互更流畅。码云镜像: 。演示地址(demo):
492. Flow
C# co-routine Kernel for .Net. Includes Futures, Barriers, Triggers, Timers and Groups. Gamasutra article provides extra documentation.
493. Webwhatsappbot
Core to automatize whatsapp - working 11/2018
495. Revitapidocs.code
Python Scripts fo Repository for
497. Anywhere.arcgis
🌏 Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK.
498. Dotnetify Elements
Backend-ready React components for .NET web apps.
499. Learn.forge.viewmodels
Learn Forge Tutorial: View your models using 2-legged OAuth. Available in Nodejs, .NET, Go, PHP & Java
500. Crypto Deobfuscator
A Deobfuscator for Crypto Obfuscator
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