Top 153 dsl open source projects

51. Eskotlin
Elasticsearch Query DSL for Kotlin
52. Tlaw
The Last API Wrapper: Pragmatic API wrapper framework
53. Fathom
🚧 (Alpha stage software) A declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats. 🚧
55. Diesel
Boilerplate-free, zero-overhead Tagless Final / typed-final / Finally Tagless DSLs in Scala
56. Channel
57. Mockssh
Mock an SSH server and define all commands it supports (Python, Twisted)
58. Nimsvg
Nim-based DSL allowing to generate SVG files and GIF animations.
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59. Swiftdi
SwiftDI the new way to use your dependency in Swift 5.1
61. Angu
A small DSL/interpreter that can be used to evaluate simple expressions
62. Sarl
SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language
63. Statelayout
64. Morpheus
Reactive type-safe Scala driver for SQL databases
65. Groovy Ssh
SSH automation tool based on Groovy DSL
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66. Xatkit
The simplest way to build all types of smart chatbots and digital assistants
67. Pris
A language for designing slides
68. Fbp
FBP flow definition language parser
70. Kvconstraintkit
An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
71. Context Mapper Dsl
ContextMapper DSL: A Domain-specific Language for Context Mapping & Service Decomposition
72. Magpie
🐦 Successor of my monkey Interpreter(support for class, linq, sql, net, http, fmt, json and A realtime syntax highlighting REPL).
73. Yadriggy
A framework for embedded DSLs in Ruby
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74. Kubeplay
kubeplay – a new way to interact with Kubernetes API from your terminal
75. Chester
Chester is a Swift GraphQL query builder.
76. Mapper
🌍 Transforms arrays using an object composition DSL.
77. Wombat
Lightweight Ruby web crawler/scraper with an elegant DSL which extracts structured data from pages.
78. Aardvark.rendering
The dependency-aware, high-performance aardvark rendering engine. This repo is part of aardvark - an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
79. Yymmdd
Tiny DSL for idiomatic date parsing and formatting in Ruby
80. Graphqlicious
A swift component with a DSL to declare GraphQL queries and to get string representations out of them
81. Metadsl
Domain Specific Languages in Python
82. Units Of Measure
Type-safe dimensional analysis and unit conversion in Kotlin.
83. Mid
mid is a generic domain-specific language for generating code and documentation
84. Mps
JetBrains Meta programming System
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85. Replmaker.jl
Simple API for building repl modes in Julia
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87. Kfp Tekton
Kubeflow Pipelines with Tekton backend.
88. Doov
dOOv (Domain Object Oriented Validation) a fluent API for type-safe bean validation and mapping
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89. Kakao
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
91. Mundaneum
A clojure wrapper around WikiData
92. Matchete
A DSL for method overloading in Ruby based on pattern matching
93. Molecule
Scala meta-DSL for the Datomic database
94. Calyx
A Ruby library for generating text with recursive template grammars.
95. Inca
Incremental Program Analysis Framework
96. Lug
Parsing expression grammar (PEG) embedded domain specific language and parsing machine for C++17
97. Lazyboy
An EDSL implemented in Haskell for programming the Nintendo Game Boy.
98. Feliz.materialui
Feliz-style Fable bindings for Material-UI
99. Nrules
Rules engine for .NET, based on the Rete matching algorithm, with internal DSL in C#.
100. Sketchkit
A lightweight auto-layout DSL library for iOS & tvOS.
51-100 of 153 dsl projects