Top 9240 kotlin open source projects

501. Lattekit
Android framework for building UI quickly in Kotlin, inspired by React.js
✭ 171
502. Android Drawable Dsl
DSL for constructing the drawables in Kotlin instead of in XML
503. Param.macro
Partial application syntax and lambda parameters for JavaScript, inspired by Scala's `_` & Kotlin's `it`
504. Numberrain
✭ 171
505. Kastree
Simple Kotlin Source AST and Syntax Parsing, Editing, and Writing
✭ 171
506. Education
507. Uamp
A sample audio app for Android
✭ 12,376
508. Persistentcoordinatorlayout
京东首页 - 长列表内嵌ViewPager商品流列表(CoordinatorLayout方案)
✭ 172
509. Dragview
Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube New graphic component.
510. Binding
Simple API implement DataBinding and ViewBinding. 简单的 API 实现 DataBinding 和 ViewBinding,欢迎 star
511. Youtubeextractor
A helper to extract the metadata, including streaming video Urls from a YouTube video
512. Material Design Guideline
A library for Android developers who want to create layout which follows Google material design principle.
513. Krumbsview
🍞 The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
514. Stream Chat Android
Stream Chat official Android SDK. The tutorial covers how to build your own chat experience using either Java or Kotlin.
515. Floorplan
Render database schemas into ER diagrams
518. Red Screen Of Death
A simple screen that is shown when your app gets crashed instead of the normal crash dialog. It's very similar to the one in Flutter.
✭ 170
519. Viewholder Slide Helper
recyclerview holder animation
520. Circular Layout Manager
Custom Layout Manager for Recycler View
✭ 169
521. Config4k
A Kotlin wrapper for Typesafe Config
522. Seal
A Gradle Plugin to resolve AndroidManifest.xml merge conflicts.
✭ 169
523. Viewpagerdots
👀 Simple, compact Kotlin library for ViewPager page indicators.
524. Projectx
This repository might be a starting point for building Android interview tasks. There is also providing a basic sample template based on layered architecture using Dagger2 and Architecture Components.
525. Paperphone
Paper phone experimental android app
✭ 169
526. Ablemusicplayer
🎵 A Youtube Music like app with a Spotify like design - ad free and open source. Feel free to PR. NOTE: BEING REWRITTEN, HENCE THE REPO WILL BE INACTIVE FOR A WHILE
527. Campus Android
Development of the TUM Campus App for Android devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
528. Richutilskt
Advancement Utils for Android Developer written in Kotlin
✭ 168
529. Composecookbook
A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
530. Redacted Compiler Plugin
A Kotlin compiler plugin that generates redacted toString() implementations.
531. Kami
Minecraft utility mod aimed at anarchy servers
✭ 168
532. Materialnavigationview Android
📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish 😍 Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
533. Covid19 App System Public
COVID19 app backend
✭ 166
534. Composeslackdesktop
A Slack demo app for desktop using Jetpack Compose UI toolkit
536. Protoactor Kotlin
Ultra-fast distributed cross-platform actor framework
✭ 168
537. Billingx
Extension to the Billing Support library to support debug builds.
✭ 167
538. Unstoppable Wallet Android
A secure and decentralized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallet for Android phones. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Binance Chain, Bitcoin Cash, DASH, ...
539. Mutual Tls Ssl
🔐 Tutorial of setting up Security for your API with one way authentication with TLS/SSL and mutual mutual authentication for a java based web server and a client with both Spring Boot. Different clients are provided such as Apache HttpClient, OkHttp, Spring RestTemplate, Spring WebFlux WebClient Jetty and Netty, the old and the new JDK HttpClient, the old and the new Jersey Client, Google HttpClient, Unirest, Retrofit, Feign, Methanol, vertx, Scala client Finagle, Featherbed, Dispatch Reboot, AsyncHttpClient, Sttp, Akka, Requests Scala, Http4s Blaze, Kotlin client Fuel, http4k, Kohttp and ktor. Also other server examples are available such as jersey with grizzly. Also gRPC examples are included
540. Transformers
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
541. Kotlin Web Demo
Online mini-IDE for Kotlin
✭ 165
542. Alarmclock
Most popular open source Android Alarm Clock App
✭ 166
543. Simple Commons
Some helper functions and shared resources to be used only by the simple apps suite.
✭ 166
544. Android Extras Delegates
Kotlin property delegates to manage Android Intent and Bundle extras
545. Slidingsquareloaderview
Marvelous sliding square loader view
546. Alpas
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
547. Coroutines Flows Modularised
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Coroutines+ Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + MockWebServer
549. Kotlin Eclipse
Kotlin Plugin for Eclipse
✭ 165
550. Stepik Android
Android Application for Taking Open Courses on the Stepik Platform
501-550 of 9240 kotlin projects