Top 9240 kotlin open source projects

451. Fcm Push Plugin
IntelliJ IDEA plugin to send pushes using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
452. C2mstoryviewer
This repository contains a detailed sample app for displaying stories like Instagram.
454. Yubioath Android
Yubico Authenticator for Android
455. Ideolog
Interactive viewer for '.log' files.
✭ 176
456. Rxpm
Reactive implementation of Presentation Model pattern in Android
458. Counterview
A simple Android counter view for showing edittext character counts
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459. Ksprefs
🚀⚡ Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic preferences android library.
460. Disposer
Easily dispose rxJava streams with Android's Lifecycle
461. Awesome Micronaut
A curated list of resources for the Micronaut JVM framework
463. Otter
Music player for Funkwhale
464. Pdf Viewer
A Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 125kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space.
465. Git As Svn
Subversion frontend server for git repository (java)
466. Markdown
Markdown parser written in kotlin
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468. Android usb msd
Better and open source replacement for DriveDroid
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470. Ts Generator
Generate TypeScript definitions from Kotlin/Java/JVM classes
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472. Droid Feed
Aggregated Android news, articles, podcasts and conferences about Android Development
474. Mvpautocodeplus
🔌An IDEA/Android Studio plug-in that automatically generates an MVP template code
475. Material Components Android Compose Theme Adapter
A library that enables reuse of Material themes defined in XML for theming in Jetpack Compose.
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477. Realmfieldnameshelper
Realm extension library used to create more type-safe queries.
478. Githubtrending
An Android project for the course on clean architecture
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480. Bigben
BigBen - a generic, multi-tenant, time-based event scheduler and cron scheduling framework
481. Permissions Samples
Multiple samples showing the best practices in permissions on Android.
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482. Spring Kotlin Fullstack
Spring Kotlin fullstack example with Kotlin/JS for the frontend
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483. Magnet
Dependency injection for modular Android applications
484. Kotlin Mvvm
Sample for MVVM using Kotlin
485. Fireflymobile
Mobile Application for Firefly III written in Kotlin
486. Otpview
A custom view to enter otp/pin of different sizes used usually in cases of authentication.
487. Android Clean Arch Coroutines Koin
Implemented by Clean Architecture, MVVM, Koin, Coroutines, Moshi, Mockk, LiveData & DataBinding
488. Hollowkit
489. Mixite
A GUI agnostic hexagonal grid library. Supports a multitude of grid layouts including hexagonal, triangular, rectangular and more.
490. Isoviewer
GUI application to have closer look ISO 14496-12 and other MP4 files.
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491. Coolweatherjetpack
✭ 2,129
492. Material Components Android Examples
Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
✭ 2,321
493. Ad Free
A modularized audio ad blocker for Android
494. Memes
MVVM example app. Quick blog post detailing the layers:
495. Kformmaster
Generic form builder in Kotlin
496. Advancedrecycleview
♻ RecycleView with multiple view types, inner horizontal RecycleView and layout animation
497. Artifactfinder
An Android Studio Plugin to find Maven Artifacts by class name
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498. Wanandroidmvvm
🔥🔥🔥打造一款MVVM+LiveData+ViewModel+Coroutines(已经替换掉部分RxJava,因为两种方式都想学习使用(๑• . •๑))+okHttp+Retrofit+Glide的Kotlin版本的WanAndroid客户端
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499. Finances
Simple finance control app as technology playground
500. Umbrella android
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in over 40 topics in multiple languages. Used daily by people working in high risk countries - journalists, activists, diplomats, business travelers etc.
451-500 of 9240 kotlin projects