Top 9240 kotlin open source projects

151. Gof In Kotlin
Gang of Four patterns in Kotlin.
152. Galwaybus
Galway Bus Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
154. Nobullshit
A sample project entirely written in Kotlin. Backend/Frontend with Ktor and Android app.
155. Hiddensearchwithrecyclerview
Simple library to have a hidden/shown search bar
156. Superxml
157. Mediacodecexample
Android MediaCodec Example
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158. Android Dagger Butterknife Mvp
Simple application using Dagger Android (2.11-2.17), Butterknife (8.7-8.8), and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) with support for Singleton, Activity, Fragment, and child Fragment scopes written in Java and Kotlin
160. Easyupipayment Android
📱Android Library to implement UPI Payment integration easily in Android App 💳💸
162. Jetpack Navigation Ftue Sample
[DEMO] Sample code to display "First-Time User Experience" in a Single-Activity app using Jetpack-Navigation, NavGraphs, Dagger, SavedStateHandle, Hilt, and EventEmitter - based on the FTUE example code in simple-stack-tutorials, but originally described by Google.
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164. Kotlin Multiplatform Template
Ready to go template for multiplatform Kotlin
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165. Antimine Android
Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.
166. Venom
A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
167. Recyclerviewadapter
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168. Awesome Jetpack Compose Android Apps
👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
169. Bubbleactions
An open source implementation of the long press actions in the Pinterest app.
170. Blog Related
Playground to test things before posting them on my blog
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172. Krefreshlayout
173. Bridge
An Android library for avoiding TransactionTooLargeException during state saving and restoration
174. Firefox Tv
Firefox for Amazon's Fire TV
175. Blitz
Android Library: Set self-updating string with relative time in TextView (e.g. 5 minutes ago)
176. Kotlincheatsheet
A reference (copy/paste) of the the examples listed in in one single document. Good for fast search and quick reference
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177. Newscatchr
FOSS Android News Reader App
179. Glrippleview
Custom GLSurfaceView for Android to show image with ripple effect using OpenGL.
180. Aaf Easydiary
📘 A diary application optimized for user experience.
181. Mlkitandroid
A collection of real life apps built using Firebase MLKit
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182. Touchimageview
Adds touch functionality to Android ImageView.
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183. Simple Calendar
A simple calendar with events, customizable widgets and no ads.
184. Zoe
The Kafka CLI for humans
185. Logisticspipes
The RS485 take on LogisticsPipes -- ESTḌ 2012
186. Kotlin Playground
Self-contained component to embed in websites for running Kotlin code
187. Shrine Materialdesign2
implementation of Material Design 2 Shrine project
189. Rxjava3 Android Examples
RxJava 3 Android Examples - Migration From RxJava 2 to RxJava 3 - How to use RxJava 3 in Android
190. Web Dev Tools Android
Sample Android Application - MVVM, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Repository Pattern
191. Jkid
JSON serialization/deserialization library for Kotlin data classes
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192. Statusbaralert
Telegram X inspired android status bar alert view
193. Viewpagerindicator
🔥 Worked with ViewPager and ViewPager2,support multiple slider styles and multiple slide mode.This repo is split from BannerViewPager-
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194. Awsssmchaosrunner
Amazon's light-weight library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2, ECS (with EC2 launch type) and Fargate.
195. Olauncher
Minimal AF (ad-free) launcher app for Android. Available at Play Store and F-Droid.
196. Create React Kotlin App
Create React apps using Kotlin with no build configuration
198. Krate
A SharedPreferences wrapper powered by Kotlin delegates
199. Mpapt
🔧 Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library for Kotlin compiler plugins
200. Localstorage
Local Storage provides access to your local storage via the Android 4.4 Storage Access Framework
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151-200 of 9240 kotlin projects