Top 1899 Less open source projects

452. mittun
An open source conference manager
455. react-data-menu
Smart data-driven menu rendered in an overlay
456. rc-org-chart
基于 react 的组织架构组件,支持缩放、拖拽。可自定义拖拽规则,扩展性强。
458. powerbi-visuals-chord
A chord diagram is a graphical method of displaying the inter-relationships between data in a matrix.
459. snippets
AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY OR SLA. Generic Tools, Libraries and Snippets created for use by Techincal Customer Success and Sales Engineering.
460. textae
No description, website, or topics provided.
462. roundcube-sauserprefs
Adds a 'Spam' tab to the 'Personal Settings' to allow the user to change their SpamAssassin preferences.
465. authcheck
Analysis for access-control vulnerabilities in Java Spring Security applications.
466. linter-ui-default
Default UI for the Atom Linter package
467. cool-jconon
Online application system for recruitment of staff and other types of employment and training of the National Research Council of Italy.
468. bui
‹b› Web components for creating applications – built by Blackstone Publishing using lit-html and lit-element
469. picard-website
Website for MusicBrainz Picard
470. cc-project-vue
一个基于vue3.0+antd+less+spring boot +mybatis+mysql+maven基础权限管理平台
472. II-RPA
No description, website, or topics provided.
473. Kandu
A secure, open source kanban web application built in Core & SQL Server
474. PQDashboard
Dashboard for system-wide visualization of power quality data
475. magento2-admin-order-status-color
Changes the color of the order status column in the UI grid, based on the current status of the order.
477. interactive-template
A Node-based template for starting news apps and interactive pages
478. test-manager-service
This service is the management center of the Choerodon Microservices Framework. It`s main functions include configuration management, route management, and swagger management.
480. Java-Study
481. XoopsCore25
XOOPS Core 2.5.x (current release is 2.5.10:
This is the repository of the project (
485. gpuobserver
No description, website, or topics provided.
486. atom-tidalcycles
Atom package for TidalCycles
487. vue3-video-play
适用于 Vue3 的 hls.js 播放器组件,配置丰富,界面还算好看
488. airomem
Prevalance/Prevayler based persistence engine
490. laravel-surveillance-ui
Provides a Graphical UI for Laravel Surveillance package and integrates within your existing application.
491. CSCC09
CSCC09 Programming on the Web
492. web-DB-tools
495. meteorecommerce
Open Source E-commerce using MeteorJS, complete with payment integration (instamojo) and dashboard
496. sense-search-components
No description, website, or topics provided.
497. mediawiki-extensions-Popups
GitHub mirror of MediaWiki extension Popups - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing
498. online-course-script
ocs 网课刷课脚本,帮助大学生解决网课难题,目前支持的平台:超星,智慧树
500. raconteur
A friendlier way to write Undum hypertext fiction