Top 23972 PHP open source projects

501. Edusoho
EduSoho 网络课堂是由杭州阔知网络科技有限公司研发的开源网校系统。EduSoho 包含了在线教学、招生和管理等完整功能,让教育机构可以零门槛建立网校,成功转型在线教育。EduSoho 也可作为企业内训平台,帮助企业实现人才培养。
502. Framework
💎 Go! AOP PHP - modern aspect-oriented framework for the new level of software development
503. Jmespath.php
Declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document, in PHP
✭ 1,634
504. Promise
Promise used for asynchronous HTTP requests
✭ 1,581
506. Pdfparser
PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file.
✭ 1,639
508. Bfgminer
Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities.
509. Codelite
CodeLite, a cross platform C/C++/PHP and Node.js IDE written in C++
510. Node Wpapi
node-wpapi is an isomorphic JavaScript client for the WordPress REST API that makes it easy for your JavaScript application to request specific resources from a WordPress website. It uses a query builder-style syntax to let you craft the request being made to REST API endpoints, then returns the API's response to your application as a JSON object. And don't let the name fool you: with Webpack or Browserify, node-wpapi works just as well in the browser as it does on the server!
✭ 1,556
511. Dujiaoka
512. Wp Svbtle
Wordpress Admin & Theme inspired by Svbtle
514. Php Mpos
MPOS stands for Mining Portal Open Source. Issue tracker is now closed since it's not maintained anymore.
515. Nelmiocorsbundle
The NelmioCorsBundle allows you to send Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers with ACL-style per-URL configuration.
518. Esotalk
Fat-free forum software.
520. Error Handler
The ErrorHandler component provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code.
521. Mink
PHP web browser emulator abstraction
523. Genghis
The single-file MongoDB admin app
524. Packagist
Package Repository Website - try if you need your own -
Codeheat Coding Contest Website
526. Laravel Admin
Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
527. Mockery
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL).
528. Labs
This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contributions welcome.
532. Drupal Project
🚀 Composer template for Drupal projects. Quick installation via "composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project"
533. Umeditor
534. Opcache Status
A one-page opcache status page
✭ 1,492
535. Php Xhprof Extension
Modern XHProf compatible PHP Profiler for PHP 7
536. Iniscan
A php.ini scanner for best security practices
538. Skeleton
A skeleton repository for League Packages
✭ 1,496
539. Deptrac
Keep your architecture clean.
541. Livehelperchat
Live Helper Chat - live support for your website. Featuring web and mobile apps, Voice & Video & ScreenShare. Supports Telegram, Twilio (whatsapp), Facebook messenger including building a bot.
542. Torch
Examples of using each Illuminate component in non-Laravel applications
✭ 1,573
543. Opcachegui
GUI for PHP's OpCache
✭ 1,458
544. Avatar
Plug n play avatar, turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful avatar (or gravatar), effortless.
545. Laravel Er Diagram Generator
Generate entity relation diagrams from your Laravel model files.
✭ 1,594
546. Php Humanizer
Humanize values that are readable only for developers.
✭ 1,451
547. S3 Uploads
The WordPress Plugin to Store Uploads on Amazon S3
548. Nativejson Benchmark
C/C++ JSON parser/generator benchmark
549. Zanphp
PHP开发面向C10K+的高并发SOA服务 和RPC服务首选框架
550. Fuel
FuelPHP v1.x is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3+ framework, based on the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start! FuelPHP is fully PHP 7 compatible.
✭ 1,453