Top 23972 PHP open source projects

751. Yii2 fecshop
yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等
752. Tokenizer
A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML (and potentially other formats)
✭ 4,770
753. Laravel
A PHP framework for web artisans.
755. Country List
🌐 List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
✭ 4,833
756. Phpbrew
Brew & manage PHP versions in pure PHP at HOME
757. Appwrite
Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
758. Vvv
An open source Vagrant configuration for developing with WordPress
760. Polyfill Php72
This component provides functions added to PHP 7.2 core.
✭ 4,601
761. Wechat Php Sdk
微信公众平台php开发包, weixin developer SDK.
✭ 4,462
762. Emojione
[Archived] The world's largest independent emoji font. Maintained at
763. Termkit
Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.
764. Elasticsearch Php
Official PHP low-level client for Elasticsearch.
765. Awesome Appsec
A curated list of resources for learning about application security
766. Laravel Dompdf
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
767. Mautic
Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software.
768. Subtlepatterns
All the patterns
✭ 4,482
769. Laravel Backup
A package to backup your Laravel app
771. Yaf
Fast php framework written in c, built in php extension
772. Hashids
A small PHP library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user.
773. Fastroute
Fast request router for PHP
✭ 4,564
776. H5ai
HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx.
777. Medoo
The lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development.
781. Php Webdriver
PHP client for Selenium/WebDriver protocol. Previously facebook/php-webdriver
783. Proxymanager
🎩✨🌈 OOP Proxy wrappers/utilities - generates and manages proxies of your objects
784. Cache
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 4,526
785. Js Sorting Algorithm
一本关于排序算法的 GitBook 在线书籍 《十大经典排序算法》,多语言实现。
787. Phinx
PHP Database Migrations for Everyone
788. Bolt
Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
789. Twitteroauth
The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.
790. Imagine
PHP 5.3 Object Oriented image manipulation library
✭ 4,184
791. Licecap
LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X
792. Psalm
A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
793. Wp Api
WordPress is moving towards becoming a fully-fledged application framework, and we need new APIs. This project was born to create an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand and well-tested framework for creating these APIs, plus creating APIs for core.
794. Elfinder
📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
797. Graphql Php
A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation
798. Evercookie
Produces persistent, respawning "super" cookies in a browser, abusing over a dozen techniques. Its goal is to identify users after they've removed standard cookies and other privacy data such as Flash cookies (LSOs), HTML5 storage, SilverLight storage, and others.
799. Rector
Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
800. Wooyun public
This repo is archived. Thanks for wooyun! 乌云公开漏洞、知识库爬虫和搜索 crawl and search for public bug(vulnerability) and drops