Top 15915 swift open source projects

201. Figma Export
Command line utility to export colors, typography, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio project
202. Compositionaldiffableplayground.ios
Examples showing Compositional Layout, Diffable Data Sources and more!
203. Pusher Websocket Swift
Pusher Channels websocket library for Swift
✭ 235
204. Zamzamkit
A Swift package for rapid development using a collection of micro utility extensions for Standard Library, Foundation, and other native frameworks.
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206. Playgrounds
Better playgrounds that work both for Objective-C and Swift
208. Loolocator
A simple iOS app that fetches the crowd-sourced data from OpenStreetMaps, and shows toilets within walking distance.
209. Rxpermission
RxSwift bindings for Permissions API in iOS.
210. Optivideoeditor For Ios
Native Video editor : Video trim, Audio, Video merge, Slow and fast motion, Video transition, Text and image, Filters, etc...
211. Appstore Clone Collectionviewcompositionallayouts
Sample project for implementing App UI with Collection View Compositional Layouts
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212. Barber
Fast build times for big Swift projects
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213. Prototope
Swift library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS
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214. Quran Ios
A quran reading application for iOS written in Swift
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216. Bemcheckbox
Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
217. Vegascroll
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
218. Parchment
A paging view controller with a highly customizable menu ✨
219. Dswaveformimage
Generate waveform images from audio files in iOS
220. Swift Threading
Simplified thread marshaling with a custom Swift operator function
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221. Pager
Pager is the simplest and best way to implement sliding view controllers in Swift
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222. Swiftmock
A mocking framework for Swift
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223. Example Package Dealer
Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
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224. Shout
SSH made easy in Swift
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225. Hckalmanfilter
HCKalmanFilter is Swift implementation of Kalman filter algorithm intended to solve problem with GPS tracking
226. Goswift
Go Goodies for Swift. Including goroutines, channels, defer, and panic.
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227. Rex
ReactiveCocoa Extensions
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228. Magearrefreshcontrol
An iOS refresh control with gear animation
229. Rxnimble
Nimble extensions making unit testing with RxSwift easier 🎉
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230. Confettiview
Confetti View lets you create a magnificent confetti view in your app
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231. Kuri
Automatically generates from template and imports it into Xcode project.
232. Quiz App
A repository reflecting the progress made on the "How to Build iOS Apps with Swift, TDD & Clean Architecture" YouTube series, by Caio & Mike.
233. Styled Text
Declarative text styles and streamlined Dynamic Type support for iOS
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234. Stringformatter
Simple Text Formetter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Serial Number etc.) Can be used in all text inputs according to the format pattern. If desired, large minor character restrictions can be made in the format pattern.
236. Sketch
Sketch have a lot of basic functions to develop a drawing app for iPhone. Anyone can easily create drawing iOS Application.
237. Nsstring Removeemoji
A category that extends for detecting and removing Emoji
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238. Swipycell
Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.
239. Swift Xcode Playground Support
Logging and communication to allow Swift toolchains to communicate with Xcode.
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240. Skopelos
A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data. Simply all you need for doing Core Data. Swift flavour.
242. Dynamiccolor
Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift and SwiftUI
243. Btnavigationdropdownmenu
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
244. Materialkit
Material design components for iOS written in Swift
✭ 2,521
245. Reel Search
🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
246. Gifu
High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
247. Unshaky
A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained]
248. Swiftscripting
A list of Swift scripting tools, frameworks & examples
249. Stepindicator
StepIndicator is an iOS library that indicates steps in an animated way.
250. Graphviz
A Swift package for working with GraphViz
201-250 of 15915 swift projects