Top 32286 typescript open source projects

101. Rxjs Websockets
A very flexible and simple websocket library for rxjs
102. Decoders
Elegant validation library for type-safe input data (for TypeScript and Flow)
103. React webpack starter
React 16 and Webpack 4 starter pack
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104. Terraform Aws Cognito Auth
Serverless Authentication as a Service (AaaS) provider built on top of AWS Cognito
105. Vscode Data Preview
Data Preview 🈸 extension for importing 📤 viewing 🔎 slicing 🔪 dicing 🎲 charting 📊 & exporting 📥 large JSON array/config, YAML, Apache Arrow, Avro, Parquet & Excel data files
107. Code Red
Experimental toolkit for writing x-to-JavaScript compilers
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108. Vugel
Vue3 fast webgl/canvas renderer based on the tree2d framework
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109. Codeql Action
Actions for running CodeQL analysis
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110. Graphql Helix
A highly evolved GraphQL HTTP Server 🧬
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111. React Draggable List
React component for a list of draggable collapsible items
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112. Dcos Ui
The UI for The Datacenter Operating System
113. Gloc
📆 Browser extension: counts lines of code on GitHub
114. Ngx Loading
A loading spinner for Angular applications.
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115. Sp Dev Fx Controls React
Reusable React controls for SPFx solutions
117. React Admin
118. Blender vscode
Visual Studio Code extension for Blender development.
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119. Ddd
A Domain Driven Design framework for software simplicity in node
120. Layout Ui
可视化布局 纯css布局 Layout-UI
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121. Nautilus
A Docker Compose Charting Tool
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122. Requestpolicy
a web browser extension that gives you control over cross-site requests. Available for XUL/XPCOM-based browsers.
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123. Cloud Trace Nodejs
Node.js agent for Stackdriver Trace: automatically gather latency data about your application
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125. Ng Pokedex
🐵 Pokedex progressive web app built with Angular
126. Ionic Mosum
Download Latest Ionic v3 Weather App ->
127. Pro Angular 2ed
Source code for 'Pro Angular' by Adam Freeman
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128. React Minimal Pie Chart
🍰 Lightweight but versatile SVG pie/donut charts for React. < 2kB gzipped.
129. Firebaseui Angular
A wrapper for FirebaseUI in Angular
130. Typedoc Plugin Markdown
A plugin for TypeDoc that enables TypeScript API documentation to be generated in Markdown.
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131. Rust Web Starter
Rust (Rocket & Diesel) + React (w/ Typescript) + PostgreSQL starter pack. Currently serves my need for a nice Dev Environment.
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132. Angular Checklist
🔥 Curated list of common mistakes made when developing Angular applications
133. Opensea Js
JavaScript SDK for the OpenSea marketplace. Let your users buy or sell cryptogoods on your own site!
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134. Pratica
🥃 Functional Algebraic Data Types
135. Typescript Ddd Skeleton
🟨 TypeScript DDD Skeleton: Bootstrap your new projects or be inspired by this example project
136. Swdc Vscode Musictime
A VS Code extension to discover the most productive music to listen to as you code
137. Vscode Live Server
Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
138. Webassemblystudio
Learn, Teach, Work and Play in the WebAssembly Studio
139. Streamlabs Obs
Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron.
A JavaScript-Friendly .NET Based TypeScript Library (Moved)
142. Colyseus.js
⚔ Colyseus Multiplayer SDK for JavaScript/TypeScript
143. Fairygui Layabox
A flexible UI framework for LayaAir
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146. React Uid
Render-less container for generating UID for a11y, consistent react key, and any other good reason 🦄
148. Rex Tils
Type safe utils for redux actions, epics, effects, react/preact default props, various type guards and TypeScript utils, React util components
150. Fannypack
[UNMAINTAINED] An accessible-focused, themeable, friendly React UI Kit.
101-150 of 32286 typescript projects