Top 937 ansible open source projects

My precious configs
Devbox Golang
A Vagrant box with Ansible provisioning for setting up a vim-based Go(lang) development environment
Ansible Haproxy
Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems
Ansible Elk Playbook
A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above
Jjg Ansible Windows
[DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
Kubernetes The Ansible Way
Bootstrap Kubernetes the Ansible way on Everything (here: Vagrant). Inspired by Kelsey Hightower´s kubernetes-the-hard-way, but refactored to Infrastructure-as-Code.
Packer Ubuntu 1404
DEPRECATED - Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
Ansible Role Firewall
A role to manage iptables rules which doesn't suck.
Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme
🤖💨Mikado helps managing your AWS infrastructure for WordPress sites by defining an out-of-box, highly available, easy-to-deploy setup
Raspberry PI Surveillance Automation
Ansible Nas
Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
Portable Ansible
Ansible without requirements to be installed (for pull-mode)
Ansible For Network Engineers
Репозиторий книги "Ansible для сетевых инженеров". Книга в процессе переноса на readthedocs и обновления содержания на Ansible 2.9!
Ansible Secure Ssh
The ansible playbook to improve the security of your SSH
Ansible framework providing a fast and simple way to spin up complex Splunk environments.
Ansible Dashr
Ansible Dashboard relying on existing Ansible code and logs
Docker Centos7 Ansible
CentOS 7 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.
Cisco ios
Ansible Network Cisco IOS Provider Role
Molecule Ansible Docker Aws
Example project showing how to test Ansible roles with Molecule using Testinfra and a multiscenario approach with Docker, Vagrant & AWS EC2 as infrastructure providers
Showcase Ansible Chatops
Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
Cookiecutter Django Ansible
Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter Django Ansible is a framework for jumpstarting an ansible project for provisioning a server that is ready for your cookiecutter-django application.
Ansible Prometheus
Ansible playbook for installing Prometheus monitoring system, exporters such as: node, snmp, blackbox, thus alert manager and push gateway
Kubevirt Ansible
Set of Ansible roles & playbooks for KubeVirt deployment
Ansible Provisioning Tywin
Generate your Ansible provisioning for Symfony2, Laravel and Node.js projects
Ansible Netdata
An Ansible role to install/configure Netdata
Ansible Kafka
Ansible Kafka role
Sway De
🏠 Sway desktop environment dotfile installation for Arch Linux
Ubuntu Dev Machine Setup
Configure your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 20.10 Desktop
Ansible Requirements Updater
Update your requirements.yml with this grisly Ansible playbook.
Graphite Stack Ansible Vagrant
Provision a complete Graphite, StatsD & Grafana install using Ansible and (optionally) Vagrant
Ansible In Action
Ansible playbook to deploy your Laravel code base to VPS
Ansible Playbook
Ansible playbook to deploy distributed technologies
Docker Ubuntu1804 Ansible
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
Cloud Portal
Self service web portal for different Cloud platforms like Azure, AWS and VMWare vSphere.
Vpn At Home
1-click, self-hosted deployment of OpenVPN with DNS ad blocking sinkhole
Ansible Inventory Manager
A Web UI to manage ansible inventories.
Ansible Phoenix Build
Sample app with full build and deploy setup of a Phoenix app using ansible
Ansible Wordpress
Ansible role to set up (multiple) wordpress installations in Debian-like systems (using wp-cli)
Ansible Role Visual Studio Code
Ansible role for installing the Visual Studio Code IDE
Ansible Role Gitea
Ansible role to deploy a Gitea instance
Ansible Windows Docker Springboot
Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
Pyramid app for issuing your own Open Badges
Ansible Osx Command Line Tools
An Ansible role for installing OS X Command Line Tools
Openfaas On Digitalocean
Ansible playbook to create a Digital Ocean droplet and deploy OpenFaaS onto it.
Lobsters Ansible
Ansible playbook for