Top 340 emoji open source projects

Library for Emoji View like Hangouts, Emoji TextView and Emoji EditText
Emoji and Hyperlink for Unity UGUI Text ,图文混排、超链接、下划线的UGUI解决方案
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Emoji Vue
Add emoji keyboard to your vuejs project
Android Keyboard
Android Keyboard with 180+ dictionaries. Support swipe input (sliding input), Emoji keyboard, AI predictions, dictionaries downloading, and keyboard themes.
Code for "MojiTalk: Generating Emotional Responses at Scale"
Open source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else!
Gitmoji is an initiative to standardize and explain the use of emojis on GitHub commit messages.
Obfuscate your python script by converting it to emoji icons
Fontconfig Emoji
Emoji prioritization rules
✭ 98
A Swift framework for using custom emoji in strings.
chrome code review 斗图插件
Slack Emoji
My slack emoji collection and download script
Emoji keyword library.
✭ 1,299
FNReactionsView is a customizable control (based on UIView) to give people a way to show floating emoji like facebook does during live stream, easy way.
CLI to bulk upload emojis to your Slack
Emoji For Jekyll
A plugin for Jekyll that seamlessly enable emoji.
Countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO init() funcs, NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases/JSON/GOB/XML/CSV compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts.
A 200 something line Swift Playground for rendering images as emojis
Qq Wechat Emotion Parser
Embed Js
🌻 A lightweight plugin to embed emojis, media, maps, tweets, code and more. ✨
emoji terminal output for Python
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Rails emoji
Emoji for Ruby on Rails
A simple library to add Emoji support to your Android Application
Laravel Smartmd
🎯 A simple markdown editor compatible most markdown parse,You can choose any parse methods on server or client,like Mathematical formula、flowchart、upload image...
PHPUnit Emoji Result Printer
Rime pure
【rime小狼毫\trime同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文四叶草九宫格拼音方案\四叶草拼音、小鹤双拼、极品五笔、徐码、郑码】 rime配置
Hexo Filter Github Emojis
github emojis for hexo! 🎉
Emoji Cli
Emoji searcher
60余种常用的等宽字体 愉快的code吧 欢迎issues我 收录更多字体 Happy code bar with more than 60 common fonts of equal width. Welcome issues. I include more fonts.
Insert emoji anywhere in elementary OS, even in non-native apps
Emojis List
Complete list of standard emojis.
Country Code Emoji
convert country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) to corresponding emoji flags (unicode regional indicator symbols)
Emoji Regex
A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
Normalize country
Convert country names and codes to a standard.
🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis!
Gitmoji Commit Hook
Start the commit message with an applicable emoji
Unicode Proposals
Proposals for new characters to encode and canonic character sequences to register
Awesome Emoji Picker
Add-on/WebExtension that provides a modern emoji picker that you can use to find and copy/insert emoji into the active web page.
Emoji Art Generator
Use a genetic algorithm to evolve an image by putting emojies on a canvas
Weird Json
A collection of strange encoded JSONs. For connoisseurs.
Code Review Emoji Guide
An emoji legend to help convey intention and added meaning in code review comments.
Alfred Emoji Script with Taco and other unicode 9 emoji
Collects emotes from other servers for use by people who don't have Nitro
Emoji Tab Bar button badges ✨
Twemoji Color Font
Twitter Unicode 13 emoji color OpenType-SVG font for Linux/MacOS/Windows
fluent logging with verbose insight, colors, tables, emoji, filtering, spinners, progress bars, timestamps, capturing, stack traces, tracking, presets, & more...
Vue Emoji
An emoji component for vue2.0
Unicode Tr51
Emoji data extracted from Unicode Technical Report #51.
Emotion Ratings
😠 😞 😑 😊 😍 This plugin allows you to create ratings using emojis
Detect the polarity (sentiment) of text
自定义表情键盘(支持系统表情, 图片表情),仅供参考学习~
Alfred Kaomoji
Alfred workflow to find relevant Kaomoji from text
Node Emoji
😏 simple emoji support for node.js projects
🇸🇪 Flag extension make flag emoji, image
Vanilla Emoji Picker
Modern emoji picker. Super light 2kb gzipped, simple and no frameworks 😻
D3 Digest
SlackBot that watch channels looking for links and reactions, and generates digests based on those reactions
International Dial Code Picker View for Country or Area 国家或地区国际区号选择器
61-120 of 340 emoji projects