Top 2512 flutter open source projects

Flutter event app
Flutter Event app UI design from Dribbble
The video player for Flutter with a heart of gold
A powerful UI framework for Google Flutter.
Sy flutter qiniu storage
Flutter Gmail Redesign
Gmail UI Redesign in Flutter
Flutter web profile
My portfolio website made with flutter.
Online food app
Visit our website for more Mobile and Web applications
Flutter Permission Handler
Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
Eh Redux
A E-Hentai reader written in Flutter.
Instadart Flutter Instagram Clone
Instagram Clone App Using - Dart, Flutter, Firebase
A Flutter plugin for playing music on iOS and Android.
Beacon broadcast
A Flutter plugin for turning your device into a beacon.
Wa status saver
A whatsApp status saver/downloader with flutter
Flutter swipe action cell
A flutter UI package provides ListView leading and trailing swipe action menu.
Flutter Responsive Email Ui Mobile Tablet And Web
We redesign the outlook app also make it responsive so that you can run it everywhere on your phone, tab, or web.
My open source project links, programming and software development related code and tutorials are in this repo. Content types: Python, JavaScript, Dart | Django, React, Flutter, React-Native etc.
Flutter Property Finder
A property search app created using flutter
Flutter os wear
This is a Flutter app for WearOS.
Flutter Tetris
a tetris game powered by flutter. 使用flutter开发俄罗斯方块。
Flutter twitter clone
Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage
Flutter lava clock
Flutter Clock Challenge | Lava Clock
Szivacs Naplo
Egy multiplatformos kliensalkalmazás az e-napló rendszerhez.
Flutter appavailability
A Flutter plugin that allows you to check if an app is installed/enabled, launch an app and get the list of installed apps.
Flutter native ads
Show AdMob Native Ads use PlatformView
💻 xterm.dart is a fast and fully-featured terminal emulator for Flutter, with support for mobile and desktop platforms.
A minimal front-end library genesis client, built with Flutter
Flutter stream friends
Flutter's great. Streams are great. Let's be friends.
Agora Flutter Rtm Sdk
Flutter wrapper around the Agora Real Time Message SDKs for Android and iOS
Fluttify Core Example
Fluttify Example Project.
Flutter firebase vote
A flutter application named Vote, based on firebase auth and firestore database.
G faraday
A plugin for building hybrid stack apps with flutter
Flutter gank
flutter 练手项目
Flutter svg
SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library for Flutter
Flutter Redux Todo List
A basic flutter_redux todo list example
A Clock app testing Flutter's custom widgets
🎯 Creating DartPad Snippets Made Easy
Cloom clock
My participation on the Flutter Clock Challenge of 2020 with Francisco Frutuoso design
Building a WhatsApp Clone in Flutter.
Flutter environments
A Flutter app demonstrating multiple environment configurations.
A typesafe sqlite persistence library for flutter
A simple Android Application built with ❤️ using Flutter, for transferring files between devices.
Flutter Radio Player, A Plugin to handle streaming audio without a hassle
Facebook ui flutter
A UI clone of the Facebook app that I created using Flutter
Flutter In Action
Openfoodfacts Dart
Open Food Facts API Wrapper
🕵️ Dart / Flutter VM snapshot analyzer
Moor is an easy to use, reactive, typesafe persistence library for Dart & Flutter
Visit nepal
An app to help tourists learn more about Nepal.
Space Curiosity
All space related agregator, built with Flutter - Spark your curiosity!
Cryptography for Flutter developers: encryption, digital signatures, key agreement, etc.
All platform example
Flutter example cross-platform application for mobile, desktop and web
Flutter food ordering
flutter food ordering app ui
Flutter Shoes Shop App
Flutter Shoes Shop Application UI/UX design and Animation - day 15 Flutter Animation and UI Design.
661-720 of 2512 flutter projects