Kafka UiOpen-Source Web GUI for Apache Kafka Management
MirusMirus is a cross data-center data replication tool for Apache Kafka
Kafka Connect Mongodb**Unofficial / Community** Kafka Connect MongoDB Sink Connector - Find the official MongoDB Kafka Connector here: https://www.mongodb.com/kafka-connector
Streamxkafka-connect-s3 : Ingest data from Kafka to Object Stores(s3)
KsppA high performance/ real-time C++ Kafka streams framework (C++17)
Kafka Connect Mq SourceThis repository contains a Kafka Connect source connector for copying data from IBM MQ into Apache Kafka.
KafkacenterKafkaCenter is a unified platform for Kafka cluster management and maintenance, producer / consumer monitoring, and use of ecological components.
Demo Scene👾Scripts and samples to support Confluent Demos and Talks. ⚠️Might be rough around the edges ;-) 👉For automated tutorials and QA'd code, see https://github.com/confluentinc/examples/
Stream ReactorStreaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://lenses.io on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
Cp Helm ChartsThe Confluent Platform Helm charts enable you to deploy Confluent Platform services on Kubernetes for development, test, and proof of concept environments.
DebeziumChange data capture for a variety of databases. Please log issues at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ.
All Things CqrsComprehensive guide to a couple of possible ways of synchronizing two states with Spring tools. Synchronization is shown by separating command and queries in a simple CQRS application.
KsqlThe database purpose-built for stream processing applications.
Cp AnsibleAnsible playbooks for the Confluent Platform
connectCLI tool and Go client library for the Kafka Connect REST API
oracdcOracle database CDC (Change Data Capture)
kafka-connect-transform-kryptoniteKryptonite for Kafka is a client-side 🔒 field level 🔓 crypto library for Apache Kafka® currently focused on Kafka Connect scenarios. It's an ! UNOFFICIAL ! community project
debezium-incubatorPreviously used repository for new Debezium modules and connectors in incubation phase (archived)
kafka-connect-kcql-smtKafka-Connect SMT (Single Message Transformations) with SQL syntax (Using Apache Calcite for the SQL parsing)
kafka-connect-ftpA Kafka Connect Source for FTP servers - Monitors files on an FTP server and feeds changes into Kafka
maxwell-sinkconsume maxwell generated message from kafka,export it to another mysql.
kafka-junitEnables you to start and stop a fully-fledged embedded Kafka cluster from within JUnit and provides a rich set of convenient accessors and fault injectors through a lean API. Supports working against external clusters as well.
connorA commandline tool for resetting Kafka Connect source connector offsets.
cassandra.realtimeDifferent ways to process data into Cassandra in realtime with technologies such as Kafka, Spark, Akka, Flink
kafkacliCLI and Go Clients to manage Kafka components (Kafka Connect & SchemaRegistry)