Top 1910 nlp open source projects

Fuzzy and semantic search for captioned YouTube videos.
Legal Text Analytics
A list of selected resources, methods, and tools dedicated to Legal Text Analytics.
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Dl For Chatbot
Deep Learning / NLP tutorial for Chatbot Developers
Interpret Text
A library that incorporates state-of-the-art explainers for text-based machine learning models and visualizes the result with a built-in dashboard.
🏖 Easy training and deployment of seq2seq models.
1. Use BERT, ALBERT and GPT2 as tensorflow2.0's layer. 2. Implement GCN, GAN, GIN and GraphSAGE based on message passing.
Multi Task Nlp
multi_task_NLP is a utility toolkit enabling NLP developers to easily train and infer a single model for multiple tasks.
The Official WebAnno Repository
Practical 1
Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course - Practical 1: word2vec
Jieba Rs
The Jieba Chinese Word Segmentation Implemented in Rust
PyTorch*-based Neural Network Compression Framework for enhanced OpenVINO™ inference
Awesome Nlprojects
List of projects related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) that make a geek smile for they exist
Text Classification
English Part-of-Speech Tagger Library; a Ruby port of Lingua::EN::Tagger
Siamese Lstm
Siamese LSTM for evaluating semantic similarity between sentences of the Quora Question Pairs Dataset.
A sentence segmenter that actually works!
Rule-based facts extraction for Russian language
Dureader Bert
BERT Dureader多文档阅读理解 排名第七
Python package of Tomoto, the Topic Modeling Tool
Tflite Android Transformers
DistilBERT / GPT-2 for on-device inference thanks to TensorFlow Lite with Android demo apps
AI-powered understanding of headlines and story text
AFINN-based sentiment analysis for Node.js.
Awesome Deeplearning Resources
Deep Learning and deep reinforcement learning research papers and some codes
Spacy Lookup
Named Entity Recognition based on dictionaries
Neat Vision
Neat (Neural Attention) Vision, is a visualization tool for the attention mechanisms of deep-learning models for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. (framework-agnostic)
A Reddit bot that summarizes news articles written in Spanish or English. It uses a custom built algorithm to rank words and sentences.
Bert Of Theseus
⛵️The official PyTorch implementation for "BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing" (EMNLP 2020).
Cs224n 2017 Winter
All lecture notes, slides and assignments from CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning class by Stanford
Nlp Roadmap
ROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning NLP
Tool to extract news articles from newspaper and give the context about the news
啊哈自然语言处理包,提供包括分词、依存句法分析、自动摘要、语义相似度计算、LDA 主题预测、词云等服务。
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Commit Autosuggestions
A tool that AI automatically recommends commit messages.
A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions
Doc Han Att
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Chinese Sentiment Classification
A powerful dataset generator for Rasa NLU, inspired by Chatito
Awesome Data Annotation
A list of tools for annotating data, managing annotations, etc.
Bert distill
BERT distillation(基于BERT的蒸馏实验 )
Rasa core
Rasa Core is now part of the Rasa repo: An open source machine learning framework to automate text-and voice-based conversations
Bert Chainer
Chainer implementation of "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding"
Aind Nlp
Coding exercises for the Natural Language Processing concentration, part of Udacity's AIND program.
Papers we read
Summaries of the papers that are discussed by VLG.
R wrapper to spaCy NLP
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MONPA 罔拍是一個提供正體中文斷詞、詞性標註以及命名實體辨識的多任務模型
The first-ever vast natural language processing benchmark for Indonesian Language. We provide multiple downstream tasks, pre-trained IndoBERT models, and a starter code! (AACL-IJCNLP 2020)
Nlp classification
Implementing nlp papers relevant to classification with PyTorch, gluonnlp
A python toolkit for parsing captions (in natural language) into scene graphs (as symbolic representations).
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An Open-Source Package for Textual Adversarial Attack.
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Nlp datasets
My NLP datasets for Russian language
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61-120 of 1910 nlp projects