Xamarin DemosThis repository contains the Syncfusion Xamarin UI control’s samples and the guide to use them.
Xamarin PlaygroundRandom cool stuff I play around using Xamarin.. :3 Some of these cool projects I feature them on my blog, with step by step explanation. :) Don't forget to check it out. Go to: theconfuzedsourcecode.wordpress.com
DenunciadoThis project born from the need from people to have a way of communication between municipalities and communities. Some municipalities, have their platforms, but they are complex to validate the veracity of complaints. Denounced, it was born with the purpose of offering a free platform to these municipalities. Denounced consists of three main modules developed with Microsoft technologies, using the .Net Framework and Xamarin for its development: 1. Back End Web Project: Module of administration of the complaints, by the employees of the town councils. In this tool, the employees of the city council receive, validate, report and close the complaints, after being served. 2. Web Portal Client: It consists of a web project, so that the community make their complaints, in the same, the users of the service create a profile, must specify when making their complaint, evidence to support this. Through the portal, they can see the complaints of other community members, follow it, give their opinion or provide possible solutions or more evidence. 3. Mobile Project: It has the same functionalities as the web portal, with the addition, that the automatic location can be sent, from the cell phone.
WorkoutwotchRepository for my video series on building an iOS app in .NET.
SimpleauthThe Simplest way to Authenticate and make Rest API calls in .Net
Xaml Code ExperiencesA collection of the experiences I have collected during days of Xamarin and Wpf, while following the MVVM design pattern.
FfimageloadingImage loading, caching & transforming library for Xamarin and Windows
FaceoffAn iOS, Android and UWP app created in Xamarin.Forms that uses Microsoft's Cognitive Emotion API Services to compare facial expressions
XweatherA weather app for iOS and Android built with Xamarin
FacialrecognitionloginAn iOS and Android app that uses facial recognition to enhance the security of a login page. Built using Xamarin.Forms and Microsoft Cognitive Services.
GithubxamarinGithubXamarin(GitIt) is a cross-platform application for https://github.com which is built using Xamarin.
MvvmlightThe main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms, Windows 10 UWP, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Phone.
Fo DicomFellow Oak DICOM for .NET, .NET Core, Universal Windows, Android, iOS, Mono and Unity
Mathparser.org MxparserMath Parser Java Android C# .NET/MONO (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET PCL, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS) CLS Library - a super easy, rich and flexible mathematical expression parser (expression evaluator, expression provided as plain text / strings) for JAVA and C#. Main features: rich built-in library of operators, constants, math functions, user defined: arguments, functions, recursive functions and general recursion (direct / indirect). Additionally parser provides grammar and internal syntax checking.
32feetPersonal Area Networking for .NET
Awesome XamarinA curated list of awesome Xamarin iOS/Android and Xamarin Forms bindings, ports, frameworks and much more!
HslcontrolsdemoHslControls控件库的使用demo,HslControls是一个工业物联网的控件库,基于C#开发,配套HslCommunication组件可以实现工业上位机软件的快速开发,支持常用的工业图形化控件,快速的集成界面开发。 主要包含了按钮,开关,进度条,信号灯,数码管,时钟,曲线显示控件,仪表盘控件,管道控件,瓶子控件,饼图控件,传送带控件,温度计控件,鼓风机控件,阀门控件,电池控件等等。
GittrendsA iOS and Android app to monitor the views and clones of your GitHub repos
SeekerAndroidAndroid client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer network
CouchDrawA synchronized drawing app that utilizes Couchbase Sync Gateway and Xamarin to enable shared canvases.
SimpleXamarinGraphQLAn iOS and Android app built in Xamarin.Forms demonstrating how to interact with GitHub's GraphQL API
DarkModeSplashScreenA sample app for iOS and Android written in Xamarin.Forms showing how to implement a Splash Page for Dark Mode
XamarinAzureChallengeCreate an iOS/Android app using Xamarin.Forms and connect it to a serverless Azure Function
WeakEventListenerThe WeakEventListener allows the owner to be garbage collected if its only remaining link is an event handler.
XamCallXamDesign Xamarin Forms Call screen Ui Design
InvestmentDataSampleAppThis app utilizes a SQLite databse, MVVM, along with these Xamarin.Forms controls: Search Bar, Picker, Grid, StackLayout, Navigation Page, ListView, ViewCell. It also shows how to tweak the UI to best appear on larger tablet screens.
Plugin.NFCA Cross-Platform NFC (Near Field Communication) plugin to easily read and write NFC tags in your application.
Xamarin.MediaGalleryThis plugin is designed to picking and save images and video files from native gallery of Android and iOS devices and capture photos