Top 186 cpp17 open source projects

51. Pt Three Ways
Path tracing, done three ways
🗺️ Source code of "C++ の歩き方": C++20/23/26 resources written in Japanese.
✭ 131
53. Nasnas
An intuitive and user friendly 2D game framework for C++
55. Cpp Tour
C++ Introductory Tour. Click here to take the tour:
56. Psraytracing
A (modern) C++ implementation of the first two books of the Peter Shirley Ray Tracing mini-books ( Features a clean project structure, perf. improvements (compared to the original code), multi-core rendering, and more.
57. Wwiv
WWIV BBS Software v5
58. Libriscv
C++17 RISC-V RV32GC / RV64GC userspace emulator library
59. Cpp Libp2p
C++17 implementation of libp2p
✭ 122
61. Lift
constexpr C++17 library for simplifying higher order functions in application code
62. Vrt
🔅 Ray tracing library for Vulkan API (indev)
63. Cpp Rotor
Event loop friendly C++ actor micro-framework
66. Scope guard
A modern C++ scope guard that is easy to use but hard to misuse.
67. Xxhash cpp
Port of the xxhash library to C++17.
68. Hsm
Finite state machine library based on the boost hana meta programming library. It follows the principles of the boost msm and boost sml libraries, but tries to reduce own complex meta programming code to a minimum.
70. Freeaoe
A free game engine capable of running Age of Empires 2 and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
71. Boden
Purely native C++ cross-platform GUI framework for Android and iOS development.
72. Cppinsights
C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
73. Scram
Probabilistic Risk Analysis Tool (fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, etc.)
74. Pgfe
The PostgreSQL client API in modern C++
75. Libcimbar
Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes
77. Is Engine
SFML C++ game engine that allows to create games on Web (HTML 5 - CSS 3), Android and PC
78. Pegtl
Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
79. Ring Span Lite
ring-span lite - A C++yy-like ring_span type for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
82. Turbo
An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
83. Kspp
A high performance/ real-time C++ Kafka streams framework (C++17)
84. Uvw
Header-only, event based, tiny and easy to use libuv wrapper in modern C++ - now available as also shared/static library!
87. Hobbyscript
Yet Another JVM/LLVM Dynamic Language (LLVM Backend WIP)
88. Metajson
Non-intrusive, high performance C++17 lightweight JSON de/serializer
89. Libremidi
A modern C++ MIDI real-time & file I/O library. Supports Windows, macOS, Linux and WebMIDI.
90. Cpp17 in tts
Descriptions of C++17 features, presented mostly in "Tony Tables" (hey, the name wasn't my idea)
✭ 1,152
91. Refureku
Customizable C++17 Runtime Reflection Library
92. Tdp
The Darkest Pipeline - Multithreaded pipelines for modern C++
94. Pocketcpp
Compile C++11 / C++14 / C++17 / C++20 snippets with Notepad++ and MinGW/gcc 9.2.0
95. Kari.hpp
Experimental library for currying in C++17
97. Pcsgolh
PCSGOLH - Pointless Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Lua Hooks. A open-source Lua API for CS:GO hacking written in modern C++
98. Rang
A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨
99. Duilib faw
✭ 52
100. Polarphp
The compiler and runtime of PHP programming language
✭ 1,050
51-100 of 186 cpp17 projects