Top 30231 Makefile open source projects

101. Calico
Cloud native networking and network security
103. Txqr
Transfer data via animated QR codes
✭ 2,632
104. Wafw00f
WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.
105. Annotator
Annotation tools for the web. Select text, images, or (nearly) anything else, and add your notes.
106. Alpaca
Given a web API, Generate client libraries in node, php, python, ruby
108. Phxsql
A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.
110. Chruby
Changes the current Ruby
111. Labelimg
🖍️ LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images
112. Webviewjavascriptbridge
An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
113. Kubevirt
Kubernetes Virtualization API and runtime in order to define and manage virtual machines.
114. Pfff
Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.
115. Twittertexteditor
A standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications.
116. Ndpi
Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
117. Rumps
Ridiculously Uncomplicated macOS Python Statusbar apps
✭ 2,524
118. Ini
Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go
119. Binctr
Fully static, unprivileged, self-contained, containers as executable binaries.
✭ 2,440
120. Androidphotofilters
AndroidPhotoFilters aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.
✭ 2,444
121. Spec
CloudEvents Specification
122. Atomicgameengine
The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
123. Colorama
Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python
124. Retro
Retro Games in Gym
125. Git Subrepo
No description, website, or topics provided.
126. Kiali
Kiali project, observability for the Istio service mesh
127. Iotjs
Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript
128. Dmd
dmd D Programming Language compiler
129. Skipper
An HTTP router and reverse proxy for service composition, including use cases like Kubernetes Ingress
131. How To Be A Good Programmer
I'm here to tell you some amazing stuff which teacher would never tell you.
✭ 3,020
132. Go Build Template
A Makefile/Dockerfile example for Go projects.
✭ 2,625
133. Makisu
Fast and flexible Docker image building tool, works in unprivileged containerized environments like Mesos and Kubernetes.
135. Openthread
OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol
136. Music Dl
search and download music 从网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、百度音乐、虾米音乐、咪咕音乐等搜索和下载歌曲
✭ 2,794
137. Node Oauth
OAuth wrapper for node.js
138. Webdis
A Redis HTTP interface with JSON output
139. Desk
A lightweight workspace manager for the shell
140. Sqlparse
A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
141. Later
A javascript library for defining recurring schedules and calculating future (or past) occurrences for them. Includes support for using English phrases and Cron schedules. Works in Node and in the browser.
142. Asmttpd
Web server for Linux written in amd64 assembly.
143. Git Secret
👥 A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
144. Redsocks
transparent TCP-to-proxy redirector
146. Jansson
C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
147. Xdebug
Xdebug — Step Debugger and Debugging Aid for PHP
148. Qlstephen
A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
149. Xhook
🔥 A PLT hook library for Android native ELF.
150. Kurento Media Server
Media Server responsible for media transmission, processing, loading and recording
101-150 of 30231 Makefile projects