Top 120 python2 open source projects

51. Iterfzf
Pythonic interface to fzf, a CLI fuzzy finder
52. Hacking
Ha3Mrx Pentesting and Security Hacking
53. Simplejson
simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
54. Flask movie site
55. Pythonimproved
The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting.
57. Python Interface
Minimal Pythonic Interface Definitions
58. Nimpylib
Some python standard library functions ported to Nim
59. Niftynet
[unmaintained] An open-source convolutional neural networks platform for research in medical image analysis and image-guided therapy
60. Python Stdlib List
A list of Python Standard Libraries (2.6-7, 3.2-9).
61. Struts Scan
62. Cfsrcnn
Coarse-to-Fine CNN for Image Super-Resolution (IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2020)
64. Docker Python Xvfb Selenium Chrome Firefox
Dockerfiles for Python 3.6/2.7 & Selenium in a headless Chrome or Firefox environment
65. Lehar
Visualize data using relative ordering
66. Cashier
Persistent caching for python functions
67. Picosdk Python Wrappers
A set of Python bindings and examples for PicoScope® oscilloscope and PicoLog® data logger products.
68. Chrome T Rex Rush
A python remake of the famous T-Rex game from Google chrome
69. Cryptopia Api Python
Python wrapper for cryptopia API which kicks ass and chews bubblegum
71. Pyinquirer
A Python module for common interactive command line user interfaces
72. Colorednoise
Python package to generate Gaussian (1/f)**beta noise (e.g. pink noise)
73. Facial Recognition Python Django
Face detection and facial recognition along with recognized persons information fetched from database.
75. Oscpy
An efficient OSC implementation compatible with python2.7 and 3.5+
76. Labeled Lda Python
Implement of L-LDA Model(Labeled Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model) with python
77. Pybleno
A direct port of the Bleno bluetooth LE peripheral role library to Python2/3
78. Wechatbot
A wechat bot implemented in Python.
79. Flask Track Usage
Basic metrics tracking for the Flask framework.
81. Nineapi
Unofficial python client library for *official* 9GAG API. (alpha)
82. Pyspecs
Minimalistic BDD in Python
83. Python stock github
Python 量化投资及 Github 管理学习笔记
85. Camera calibration api
A simple Python API for single camera calibration using opencv
86. Ansible Schema Generator
Generate JSON schema for language servers from Ansible module documentation
87. Netscan2
active / passive network scanner
88. Django Celery Beat
Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM
89. Ponifuse
Ponifies files at load and de-ponifies them at write time (fuse module)
90. Rcli
Rapidly create full-featured command line interfaces with help, subcommand dispatch, and validation.
92. Ct gdrive
Lustre/HSM Google Drive copytool
93. Fundamentals Of Deep Learning For Computer Vision Nvidia
The repository includes Notebook files and documents of the course I completed in NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute. Feel free to acess and work with the Notebooks and other files.
94. Gamtools
Processing, quality control and analysis of GAM datsets
95. Gae Boilerplate
Google App Engine Boilerplate
97. Pythonista
Collection of Python Scripts written for Pythonista iOS App
99. Flask Blogging
A Markdown Based Python Blog Engine as a Flask Extension.
100. Subdomain3
A new generation of tool for discovering subdomains( ip , cdn and so on)
51-100 of 120 python2 projects