Top 1442 python3 open source projects

501. Pychievements
The Python Achievements Framework!
502. Cadabra2
A field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra.
504. Wswp
Code for the second edition Web Scraping with Python book by Packt Publications
505. Cathy
Artificial intelligence (AI) chat bot for Discord written in Python 3
507. Auto add wechat friends py
微信添加好友 批量发送添加请求 脚本 python
508. Expresspython
expressPython - A small Python editor for learning and competitive programming.
509. Linuxacademy Dl
Download videos from Linux Academy ( for personal offline use
510. Inapppy
Python In-app purchase validator for Apple AppStore and GooglePlay.
511. Nordvpn Networkmanager
A CLI tool for automating the importing, securing and usage of NordVPN (and in the future, more) OpenVPN servers through NetworkManager.
514. Multicast Relay
Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
515. Pyce
Encrypted Python Execution
516. Fruzzy
Freaky fast fuzzy finder for (denite.nvim/CtrlP matcher) for vim/neovim
517. Humps
Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Inspired by Humps for Node
518. Giggity
Wraps github api for openly available information about an organization, user, or repo
520. Norepeat
The norepeat package contains some magical function, tools
521. Yakutils
🐃 Yet another toolbox of Python 3 helper functions.
522. Beautifultable
Python package for printing visually appealing tables on a terminal.
524. Pymiere
Python for Premiere pro
525. Poketraveler
Let's walk through Pokemon World!
526. Alarmrobot
微信机器人 提醒机器人 python机器人 微信pc机器人
527. Amongusbot
This is an Among Us Discord bot that auto mutes and unmutes players in certain situations, without anyone in the game needing to mute manually. This will make Among Us way more intense and doesn't break the immersion of the game having to mute all the time.
528. Aws Toolbox
A collection of DevOps tools including shell & python scripts that automate the boring stuff in AWS.
530. Plyara
Parse YARA rules and operate over them more easily.
531. Mnist Classification
Pytorch、Scikit-learn实现多种分类方法,包括逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)、多层感知机(MLP)、支持向量机(SVM)、K近邻(KNN)、CNN、RNN,极简代码适合新手小白入门,附英文实验报告(ACM模板)
532. K means
A Python implementation of k-means clustering algorithm
533. Wecase
The Linux Sina Weibo Client
535. Flasklogin Tutorial
👨‍💻 🔑 Tutorial to accompany corresponding post on
536. Iterfzf
Pythonic interface to fzf, a CLI fuzzy finder
538. Sir Lancebot
A Discord bot started as a community project for Hacktoberfest 2018, later evolved to an introductory project for aspiring new developers starting out with open source development.
539. Bilibilihelper
540. Sqlobject
SQLObject, an object-relational mapper for Python
542. Pyobfx
Python Obfuscator & Packer
543. Pylunarcalendar
简介:无需数据库,以《钦定协纪辨方书》为核心的python3 农历、黄历、二十四节气、节假日、星次、每日凶煞、每日值神、建除十二神、每日宜忌、彭祖百忌、每日五行、二十八星宿、天干地支、生辰八字、时辰凶吉等开源项目。背景: 由于三体运动(主要地球、太阳、月球)无法准确预测,目前二十四节气依然还是靠天文台观测,Yovey使用传说中[Y*D+C]-L 寿星通用公式 方法实际有很多天数不准,def getSolarTerms(_date)12个if嵌套判断让代码变得十分冗余,由简书网友“大咖_247c”首先发现计算不准问题……
544. Photomosaic Generator
photomosaic generator (image to image, video to video)
546. Apkinfector
Advanced Android AV Evasion Tool Written In Python 3 that can Embed/Bind meterpreter APK to any Legitimate APK
547. Loafer
Asynchronous message dispatcher - Currently using asyncio and amazon SQS
548. Kcshell
Simple Python3 based interactive assembly/disassembly shell for various architectures powered by Keystone/Capstone.
550. Aioitertools
itertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables
501-550 of 1442 python3 projects