List of 748914 open source projects

Master Reference (foundersandcoders)
A master reference for the running of Founders and Coders
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Easyproxy (xsank)
Make tcp proxy easy to use.
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Polis (compdemocracy)
🌌 Open Source AI for large scale open ended feedback
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Kuin (kuina)
Kuin Programming Language
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Hwplib (neolord0)
hwp library for java
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Asts Workshop (kentcdodds)
Improved productivity 💯 with the practical 🤓 use of the power 💪 of Abstract Syntax Trees 🌳 to lint ⚠️ and transform 🔀 your code
Vikiroot (hyln9)
CVE-2016-5195 (Dirty COW) PoC for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
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c (threenine)
Generic Repository Pattern for .net core
Archivenow (oduwsdl)
A Tool To Push Web Resources Into Web Archives
Ngx I18nsupport (martinroob)
Some tooling to be used for Angular i18n workflows
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Meeseeks (mischov)
An Elixir library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.
Deeplearning Cfn (awslabs)
Distributed Deep Learning on AWS Using CloudFormation (CFN), MXNet and TensorFlow
Polyhedra Viewer (tesseralis)
Explore the relationships between convex regular-faced polyhedra.
Distribute_reads (ankane)
Scale database reads to replicas in Rails
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Machinelearninginaction3x (pbharrin)
Source Code for Machine Learning in Action for Python 3.X
Portfolio Template (bmorelli25)
A Web Developer Portfolio Template
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Vuex Cheatsheet (vuejs-tips)
Vuex Complete API CheatSheet
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React Tilt (jonathandion)
👓 Parallax tilt hover effect for React JS - tilt.js
Emojitwo (EmojiTwo)
Fork of the last fully free EmojiOne™ 2 artwork
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Shellcodestdio (jackullrich)
An extensible framework for easily writing compiler optimized position independent x86 / x64 shellcode for windows platforms.
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Esp Now (HarringayMakerSpace)
ESP-Now Examples
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Conduit (slashdotdash)
RealWorld example backend implementing the CQRS/ES pattern in Elixir and Phoenix
Carnd Path Planning Project (udacity)
Create a path planner that is able to navigate a car safely around a virtual highway
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Librebarcode (graphicore)
Libre Barcode: barcode fonts for various barcode standards.
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Jumpfm (JumpFm)
A file manager that lets you jump.
Cardiac Segmentation (chuckyee)
Right Ventricle Cardiac MRI Segmentation
Al_usdmaya (AnimalLogic)
This repo is no longer updated. Please see
Sentiment_analysis_textcnn (norybaby)
基于tensorflow 实现的用textcnn方法做情感分析的项目,有数据,可以直接跑。
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Moe (fox0430)
A command line based editor inspired by vi/vim. Written in Nim.
Serverless Dotenv Plugin (neverendingqs)
Preload Environment Variables with Dotenv into Serverless
Fastmonkey (zhangzhao4444)
非插桩 iOS Monkey, 支持控件,每秒4-5 action事件
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Movietaster Open (lujiaying)
A practical movie recommend project based on Item2vec.
Instacart (KazukiOnodera)
2nd place solution🥕🥈
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Todokit (joe-lz)
TodoKit - A beautiful bug and issue tracking software. (kenreitz42)
₿ A Human–Friendly API Service for Crypto Currency Information.
Serverless Plugin Cloudfront Lambda Edge (silvermine)
Adds [email protected] support to Serverless
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Atlas Of Thrones (triestpa)
An interactive "Game of Thrones" map powered by Leaflet, PostGIS, and Redis.
Stork (libopenstorage)
Stork - Storage Orchestration Runtime for Kubernetes
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And64inlinehook (Rprop)
Lightweight ARMv8-A(ARM64, AArch64, Little-Endian) Inline Hook Library for Android C/C++
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Gatsby Starter Portfolio Emma (LekoArts)
Minimalistic portfolio with full-width grid, page transitions, support for additional MDX pages, and a focus on large images. Especially designers and/or photographers will love this theme! Built with MDX and Theme UI.
Zsgx1hacks (ant-thomas)
Hacks for ZS-GX1 IP Camera and various Goke GK7102 based IP Cameras
Drawerview (mkko)
A drop-in view, to be used as a drawer anywhere in your app
Gitstars (znlbwo)
Github Stars Repositories Manager
Blog (CodeLittlePrince)
A front-end blog | 前端博客
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Brunetons Improved Atmospheric Scattering (Scrawk)
A Unity port of Brunetons improved atmospheric scattering
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Morphl Community Edition (Morphl-AI)
MorphL Community Edition uses big data and machine learning to predict user behaviors in digital products and services with the end goal of increasing KPIs (click-through rates, conversion rates, etc.) through personalization
12306 Captcha (aaronshan)
Kpermissions (fondesa)
A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android.
Tensorrt Ssd (chenzhi1992)
Use TensorRT API to implement Caffe-SSD, SSD(channel pruning), Mobilenet-SSD
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Modthespire (kiooeht)
External mod loader for Slay The Spire
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Xcell (tomazy)
Tiny library for building reactive, spreadsheet-like calculations in JavaScript
Uget Integrator (ugetdm)
Native messaging host to integrate uGet Download Manager with web browsers
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