Top 2203 aws open source projects

Terraform Aws Devops
Info about many of my Terraform, AWS, and DevOps projects.
Certbot Route53
Helping create Let's Encrypt certificates for AWS Route53
Aws Step Functions Data Science Sdk Python
Step Functions Data Science SDK for building machine learning (ML) workflows and pipelines on AWS
Aws Serverless Cicd Workshop
Learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline for SAM-based applications
A light-weight message bus on top of AWS services (SNS and SQS).
Aws Amplify Workshop React
Building Serverless React Applications with AWS Amplify
Deep Learning Containers
AWS Deep Learning Containers (DLCs) are a set of Docker images for training and serving models in TensorFlow, TensorFlow 2, PyTorch, and MXNet.
Kube Secret Syncer
A Kubernetes operator to sync secrets from AWS Secrets Manager
Awscloudformation Samples
Sample AWS CloudFormation templates
Kafka Connect Storage Cloud
Kafka Connect suite of connectors for Cloud storage (Amazon S3)
Aws Labs
step by step guide for aws mini labs. Currently maintained on : Youtube playlist for labs:
Private PaaS built on native AWS services for maximum privacy and minimum upkeep
Ops Cli
Ops - cli wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, Helmfile and SSH for cloud automation
Haskell EDSL and type-checker for AWS CloudFormation templates
Kubernetes-native system managing the full lifecycle of conformant Kubernetes clusters as a service on Alicloud, AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, EquinixMetal, vSphere, MetalStack, and Kubevirt with minimal TCO.
Backup And Bcp For Aws
A collection of scripts & tooling that's executed from Lambda to backup your AWS Services such as Route53, EBS, RDS, EFS, etc into a S3 bucket allowing you to sync into Google Cloud for Business Continuity.
Data Engineering Nanodegree
Projects done in the Data Engineering Nanodegree by
Terraform Aws Eks
Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS
Cloudformation Cli
The CloudFormation Provider Development Toolkit allows you to author your own resource providers and modules that can be used by CloudFormation.
Multiregion Terraform
Example multi-region AWS Terraform application
Etcd Cloud Operator
Deploying and managing production-grade etcd clusters on cloud providers: failure recovery, disaster recovery, backups and resizing.
Github link creator
GitHub Link Card Creator lets you generate GitHub images has links to repositories.
Amazon Ec2 Instance Selector
A CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory
Aws Mqtt Client
AWS Websocket Pub/Sub client
Awsmobile Cli
CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
Sagemaker Training Toolkit
Train machine learning models within a 🐳 Docker container using 🧠 Amazon SageMaker.
Serverless Sentry Plugin
This plugin adds automatic forwarding of errors and exceptions to Sentry ( and Serverless (
Terraform Aws Labs
Terraform template for AWS provider ☁️
Telescopes is a cloud instance types and full cluster layout recommender consisting of on-demand and spot/preemptible AWS EC2, Google, Azure, Oracle and Alibaba cloud instances.
Anime2Selfie Backend Services - Lambda, Queue, API Gateway and traffic processing
Paws, a package for Amazon Web Services in R
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Serverless Ide Vscode
Serverless IDE: Enhanced support for AWS SAM and CloudFormation in VS Code
Aws Openbsd
AWS OpenBSD image builder (AMI) and cloud-init replacement
⚡🦀 🧨 make your rust types fit DynamoDB and visa versa
A lib make building AWS Lambda compatible layer easily
Terraform Aws Vpc
Terraform module which creates VPC resources on AWS
A general purpose extensible autoscaler for the cloud
Serverless Sam
Serverless framework plugin to export AWS SAM templates for a service
Aws Csa Pro 2019
AWS Certified Solution Architect Professional (SAP-C01)
Serverless Dynamodb Autoscaling
Serverless Plugin for Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling configuration.
A ruleset based watchguard to keep spot/preemptible instance based clusters safe, with plugins for VMs, Kubernetes, Prometheus and Pipeline
Terraform Template to Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack/AWS/Azure
Cognito Backup Restore
AIO Tool for backing up and restoring AWS Cognito User Pools
Serverless Pg
A package for managing PostgreSQL connections at SERVERLESS scale
A SQL-ish language for DynamoDB
Example Pragmatic Terraform On Aws
技術書典6で頒布した『Pragmatic Terraform on AWS 』のサンプルコードを公開しています
Amplify Ios
A declarative library for application development using cloud services.
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Metabase Athena Driver
An Amazon Athena driver for Metabase 0.32 and later
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Deploy static websites in seconds - with HTTPS, a global CDN, and custom domains.
Ssm Sh
Experiment to use SSM RunCommand instead of SSH
Auth Api Demo
Securing Microservices on AWS with Cognito, API Gateway and Lambda Demo
A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access