Geostats.jlAn extensible framework for high-performance geostatistics in Julia
DepthaiDepthAI Python API utilities, examples, and tutorials.
GeostatspyGeostatsPy Python package for spatial data analytics and geostatistics. Mostly a reimplementation of GSLIB, Geostatistical Library (Deutsch and Journel, 1992) in Python. Geostatistics in a Python package. I hope this resources is helpful, Prof. Michael Pyrcz
GooglewayR Package for accessing and plotting Google Maps
OpenrailwaymapAn OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
H2gisA spatial extension of the H2 database.
FasterizeHigh performance raster conversion for modern spatial data 🚀🌏▦
Regionmaskplotting and creation of masks of spatial regions
Linemap♒️ Create maps made of lines
ThstTemplated hierarchical spatial trees designed for high-peformance.
Tinspin IndexesSpatial index library with R*Tree, STR-Tree, Quadtree, CritBit, KD-Tree, CoverTree
PrioritizrSystematic conservation prioritization in R
Embedded gcnnEmbedded Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (EGCNN) in TensorFlow
MapscannerR package to print maps, draw on them, and scan them back in
GeocomprOpen source book: Geocomputation with R
CartopyCartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
TmapR package for thematic maps
Koop🔮 Transform, query, and download geospatial data on the web.
StarsSpatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
StplanrSustainable transport planning with R
spDataLargeR package with large datasets for spatial analysis
recmapDraw your own Rectangular Statistical Cartogram - CRAN package
st-hadoopST-Hadoop is an open-source MapReduce extension of Hadoop designed specially to analyze your spatio-temporal data efficiently
NLMR📦 R package to simulate neutral landscape models 🏔
pixelscanA Python library that provides functions to scan pixels on a grid in a variety of spatial patterns.
bvh-treeA Bounding Volume Hierarchy implementation using javascript
Spatial pre2021This repo has been archived. The latest version of the GIS and Spatial Analysis online book is at
wdparInterface to the World Database on Protected Areas
scanstatisticsAn R package for space-time anomaly detection using scan statistics.
binaural-audio-editorThis is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by the graphical user interface. Listen to 3D audio through stereo headphones. Video Demo:
tile38Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
delaunator-rsFast 2D Delaunay triangulation in Rust. A port of Delaunator.
geometaR tools to write, read & validate geographic metadata (OGC/ISO 19110, 19115, 19119, 19136 and 19139)
ows4RR Interface for OGC Web-Services (OWS)
CASTDeveloper Version of the R package CAST: Caret Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
bookvisSources of the book "Displaying time series, spatial and space-time data with R" (2nd Edition)
belgBoltzmann entropy of a landscape gradient
GTSRB Keras STNGerman Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark, Keras implementation with Spatial Transformer Networks
sqlikeGolang Sequel ORM that supports Enum, JSON, Spatial, and many more
NHibernate.SpatialNHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially enabled database and manipulate geometries in Linq or HQL using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
sabresabre: Spatial Association Between REgionalizations