Top 5799 Batchfile open source projects

303. Glances
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
306. Homestead
No description, website, or topics provided.
308. Learning Spark
Example code from Learning Spark book
309. Telepresence
Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
310. Fnm
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
311. Hosts
🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
312. Bisq
A decentralized bitcoin exchange network
313. Deformable Convnets
Deformable Convolutional Networks
314. Clojure Koans
A set of exercises for learning Clojure
317. F2etest
318. Mellow
Mellow is a rule-based global transparent proxy client for Windows, macOS and Linux. Also a Proxifier alternative.
319. Python Guide Cn
Python最佳实践指南。 The chinese translation of "Hitchhiker's Guide to Python".
320. Gibmacos
Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple
✭ 3,997
325. Hain
An 'alt+space' launcher for Windows, built with Electron
326. Doctest
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework
328. Gameplay
Open-source, cross-platform, C++ game engine for creating 2D/3D games.
329. Acat
Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (ACAT)
✭ 3,142
330. Angular Phonecat
Tutorial on building an angular application.
335. Typescriptsamples
Community Driven Samples for TypeScript
336. Blynk Library
Blynk library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, LinkIt ONE, Particle Core/Photon, Energia, ARM mbed, etc.
338. Metasploitable3
Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
339. Zheng
341. Unlocker
No description, website, or topics provided.
342. Clay
Golem is creating a global market for computing power.
344. Cookiecutter Pypackage
Cookiecutter template for a Python package.
345. User.js
Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
347. Mapnik
Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
348. Markdownediting
Powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes.
349. Ijpay
IJPay 让支付触手可及,封装了微信支付、QQ支付、支付宝支付、京东支付、银联支付、PayPal 支付等常用的支付方式以及各种常用的接口。不依赖任何第三方 mvc 框架,仅仅作为工具使用简单快速完成支付模块的开发,可轻松嵌入到任何系统里。右上角点下小星星✨
350. Nvm Windows
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
301-350 of 5799 Batchfile projects