Top 593 Svelte open source projects

52. svelte-webpack-starter
🔥 Svelte starter with Webpack 5, TypeScript, SCSS, Babel, and HMR.
53. ample
A desktop web browser music client for Ampache
54. ProsePainter
No description, website, or topics provided.
56. svelte-sass-template
A Svelte template with support for SASS / SCSS.
57. obsidian-checklist-plugin
No description, website, or topics provided.
58. svelte-themer
A theming engine for your Svelte apps using CSS Variables, persisted.
59. actus
A monorepo for a self learning command palette driven by a final state machine implemented in XState.
60. svelte-webcomponents
A ready-to-use project template to build custom elements (web components) with Svelte 3 with support and examples for web components, jest, sass, nested components with props, eslinting, stylelinting, Github actions, propagating custom events from shadow-DOM to real-DOM etc.
61. svelte-recipes
No description, website, or topics provided.
62. svelte-algolia
Svelte plugin for keeping Algolia indices in sync with custom data fetching functions.
63. svelte-search
Accessible, customizable Svelte search component
64. rollup-plugin-svelte-hot
Fork of official rollup-plugin-svelte with added HMR support (for both Nollup or Rollup)
65. is-this-netlify
check if a site is hosted on netlify by just prepending ""
66. plastic
Another note app. Block based, bi-directional link, works on local.
67. trillion-graph
A scale demo of Neo4j Fabric spanning up to 1129 machines/shards running a 100TB (LDBC) dataset with 1.2tn nodes and relationships.
Community website for Svelte Society. The site will contain a component library list, a cookbook, tutorials, event information, talks etc.
69. sapper-tailwindcss
Sapper, Svelte, TailwindCSS, PurgeCSS starter with Prettier and ESLint enabled
My personal website built with Svelte
71. jsso2
Self-hosted passwordless single signon.
72. svelte-credit-card
A svelte component to render a credit card 💳
73. shopify-starter-theme
Setup for local development using Shopify Theme Kit and Webpack
74. 104-ignore-not-interesting
過濾 104人力銀行 搜尋結果中你不感興趣的職缺 | Ignore jobs you are not interested in on 104
76. sapper-postcss-template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte and PostCSS preprocessing with Tailwind CSS
77. template
Elder.js template project. It is part template, part tutorial. Dive in!
78. iZone
iZone script for FiveM
Personal website and blog written from scratch with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS.
80. svelte-sirens
The website for the Svelte Sirens, a Svelte Society for women & non-binary.
81. lightdm-webkit2-theme-reactive
A lightDM webkit2 theme for linux
83. sapper-template-webpack
Starter webpack template for Sapper apps
84. mandalas
No description, website, or topics provided.
86. chivi
source code for
87. suspense
No description, website, or topics provided.
88. jimaku-player
Use your own subtitles on VRV or Crunchyroll to learn Japanese!
89. easyroute
Framework-agnostic router monorepo with official bindings
90. covid hospitals demographics
COVID-19 relevant data on hospital location / capacity, nursing home location / capacity, county demographics
91. svelte-auth0
Svelte Auth0 Components
93. temporal-electronic-signature
Electronic signature demonstration built with Temporal and XState
94. shapes
Discover new CSS polygon shapes
A simple Svelte app that let's you track your daily push-ups routine
96. tabler-icons-svelte
A library of SVG Svelte components for Tabler Icons.
The website for, my personal blog
99. vite-plugin-autoimport
Automatically detect and import components or modules
51-100 of 593 Svelte projects