357 open source projects by IBM

301. cloud-pak-operations-cli
The IBM Cloud Pak Operations CLI provides basic functionality to manage Red Hat OpenShift clusters and IBM Cloud Pak for Data on various cloud platforms.
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302. rl-testbed-for-energyplus
Reinforcement Learning Testbed for Power Consumption Optimization using EnergyPlus
303. Medical-Blockchain
A healthcare data management platform built on blockchain that stores medical data off-chain
304. Contrastive-Explanation-Method
Codes for reproducing the contrastive explanation in “Explanations based on the Missing: Towards Contrastive Explanations with Pertinent Negatives”
305. comanche
Component-based development framework for memory-centric storage systems
306. trusted-service-identity
Trusted Service Identity is closing the gap of preventing access to secrets by an untrusted operator during the process of obtaining authorization for data access by the applications running in the public cloud.
307. xgboost-smote-detect-fraud
Can we predict accurately on the skewed data? What are the sampling techniques that can be used. Which models/techniques can be used in this scenario? Find the answers in this code pattern!
308. Watson-Unity-ARKit
# WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
309. detect-timeseriesdata-change
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
310. chatbot-deployer
An IBM Cloud Devops Pipeline plugin for uploading a Watson Assistant workspace, specifically designed for the Bot Asset Exchange (https://developer.ibm.com/code/exchanges/bots/)
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311. fabric-contract-attribute-based-access-control
A repo to demonstrate how to implement attribute-based-access-control in Hyperledger Fabric for a supply-chain use case using IBM Blockchain Platform VSCode extension.
312. D2A
This repository is to support contributions for tools and new data entries for the D2A dataset hosted in DAX
313. powerai
This repo contains ancillary information used to assist users of IBM Watson Machine Learning Community Edition. This repo will contain How To's, Readme's, Dockerfiles, etc. that can be consumed by users looking to get started.
314. CNN-Cert
Codes for reproducing the experimental results in "CNN-Cert: An Efficient Framework for Certifying Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks", published at AAAI 2019
316. home-assistant
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
317. hdl-tools
Facilitates building open source tools for working with hardware description languages (HDLs)
318. example-health-analytics
Example Health is a conceptual healthcare/insurance type company. It has been around a long time, and has 100s of thousands of patient records in an SQL database connected to a mainframe. This repo houses the UI/Service a data analyst would interact with.
319. nodejs-microservice
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.
320. MAX-Review-Text-Generator
Generate English-language text similar to the text in the Yelp® review data set.
321. ibm-spectrum-scale-bridge-for-grafana
This tool allows the IBM Spectrum Scale users to perform performance monitoring for IBM Spectrum Scale devices using third-party applications such as Grafana software.
322. sqlalchemy-ibmi
Db2 for i SQL Alchemy adapter
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323. repo-template
template repo with recommended content for projects under the IBM org
324. pyxcli
IBM Python XCLI Client
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326. predict-wildfire-intensity
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.
327. node-red-dsx-workflow
This journey helps to build a complete end-to-end analytics solution using IBM Watson Studio. This repository contains instructions to create a custom web interface to trigger the execution of Python code in Jupyter Notebook and visualise the response from Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio.
328. bLVNet-TAM
The official Codes for NeurIPS 2019 paper. Quanfu Fan, Ricarhd Chen, Hilde Kuehne, Marco Pistoia, David Cox, "More Is Less: Learning Efficient Video Representations by Temporal Aggregation Modules"
329. span-selection-pretraining
Code to create pre-training data for a span selection pre-training task inspired by reading comprehension and an effort to avoid encoding general knowledge in the transformer network itself.
330. ibm-block-csi-operator
Operator for IBM block storage CSI driver
331. guestbook
No description, website, or topics provided.
332. Java-MicroProfile-on-Kubernetes
This application demonstrates the deployment of a Java based microservices application using Microprofile on Kubernetes Cluster. MicroProfile is a baseline platform definition that optimizes Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture and delivers application portability across multiple MicroProfile runtimes
333. perf-sidecar-injector
Sample sidecar demonstrating automatic collection of container performance data using Linux perf tool in a Kubernetes cluster
334. smart-city-analytics
Analyze large data sets collected from a long-range IoT system that uses LoRaWAN networking
335. cobol-is-fun
This repository contains fun COBOL applications used in tutorials and code patterns on IBM Developer.
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337. visual-recognition-for-cozmo-with-tensorflow
Visual Recognition for Anki Cozmo with TensorFlow
338. watson-assistant-workbench
Framework for maintaining Watson Assistant data in github repository with bundle of tools for generating, testing and uploading. Travis: https://travis-ci.com/IBM/watson-assistant-workbench. Artifactory (will be deleted after 25 Nov 2019): https://na.artifactory.swg-devops.com/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/iot-waw-trevis-gen…
340. qradar-monitor-device-events
Monitor device events using QRadar
341. pwa-lit-template
A template for building Progressive Web Applications using Lit and Vaadin Router.
343. PlasticNet
Computer Vision for the Greater Good
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344. dbb
The helpful and handy location for finding and sharing example IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) scripts and snippets.
345. vr-speech-sandbox-cardboard
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
346. UQ360
Uncertainty Quantification 360 (UQ360) is an extensible open-source toolkit that can help you estimate, communicate and use uncertainty in machine learning model predictions.
348. ibmi-oss-docs
IBM i Open Source Documentation
349. agile-tutorial
A tutorial for agile development of cloud applications.
350. Lale.jl
a Julia wrapper of Python's lale automl package
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301-350 of 357 user projects