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Top 1988 django open source projects

The once and future blog
Store e run queries on database to help system manager of a Django website
Django Oml
Object Moderation Layer
Alexa Browser Client
Alexa client in your browser. Django app.
Django Controlcenter
Set of widgets to build dashboards for Django projects
Django Blogging System
This is blog system created using Django 1.11.4 and Python3
Django Ecommerce
An e-commerce website built with Django
Adfs managers
This is site (web-app) to manage teams and statistic for ADFS
Text mining on the Royal Library newspaper corpus
Bot user for the slack team of IIT Roorkee, CSE students batch of 2016-20
Heroku Buildpack Python
The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps.
Generate links that users can use to submit messages encrypted with your public key.
Django Rest Framework Social Oauth2
python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
Django Jenkins
Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
React Webpack Django
De-coupled ReactJS client for greater flexibility and less black-box Django magic
Django apistar
Django App to integrate API Star's routes and views into Django's ecossystem.
Django Hijack
With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
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Create your ITU course schedules in fashion with up-to-date & detailed information.
django + vue 仿知乎
Django Rest Booking Api
A Restful api which allows you to book sports events or update existing odds.
Django Email Confirm La
Django email confirmation for any model and any field
Django Bookworm
A fun project to store my learning from each book that I read.
Django Compression Middleware
Django middleware to compress responses using several algorithms.
Python sec
python安全和代码审计相关资料收集 resource collection of python security and code review
Django Uwsgi Taskmanager
Django application to monitor and manage long and/or recurring tasks through uWSGI.
Docker Tutorial
Docker 基本教學 - 從無到有 Docker-Beginners-Guide 教你用 Docker 建立 Django + PostgreSQL 📝
Django2.0 Tutorial
Django2.0 Tutorial [1|2|3|4|5|6|7] Source Code
Django Login Registration
Django user registration and login with form validation
Django Photoblog
Photographer portfolio website powered by Django Framework. Features photo gallery with infinite scrolling, tagging, thumbnail generation and CMS for creating pages. Configured for Heroku and S3.
Django Phantom Theme
Phantom is theme for django admin with many widgets, based on Twitter bootstrap 3.x.
Django Sitecats
Django reusable application for content categorization.
Django Beginners Guide
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Code Samples
Django2.0 Course
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Django Ninja
💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
Website that allows 42 Silicon Valley students to find each other on the map
Django Postgres Graphql Boilerplate
A Boilerplate for a Django-GraphQL Project
Django Analytical
Analytics services for Django projects
Heroku Django Template
A Django 2.0 base template featuring all recommended best practices for deployment on Heroku and local development.
Django Oidc Rp
A server side OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP, Client) implementation for Django.
Seeker - another job board aggregator.
Django Mypy
A django project to show use of mypy
Django Rest Framework Gis
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
The Etebase server (so you can run your own)
Django Urlarchivefield
A custom Django model field that automatically archives a URL
Django Prometheus
Export Django monitoring metrics for
Django Registration
Django-registration (redux) provides user registration functionality for Django websites.
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Django Organizations
👫 Multi-user accounts for Django projects
Booktype is a free, open source platform that produces beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any ereader within minutes.
Django Rosetta
Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
Django Summernote
Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project.
Django Cachalot
No effort, no worry, maximum performance.
Django Admin Bootstrap
Responsive Theme for Django Admin With Sidebar Menu
Word2vec 千人千面 个性化搜索 + Scrapy2.3.0(爬取数据) + ElasticSearch7.9.1(存储数据并提供对外Restful API) + Django3.1.1 搜索